Friday, 5 October 2012

Great news from Bristol. Under pressure just before our action day, Bristol City Council announced it was abandoning their plans for a Workplace Parking Levy. This is a big victory for our brilliant local campaigners and shows what we can achieve across the country on all kinds of issues with your help.

- Matthew Sinclair, Chief Executive

Victory in Bristol

We went ahead with our action day, to show politicians that residents don't want new parking taxes. It was a good example of the results we can achieve, and how we can work together with activists from other groups as well to fight back against new taxes and wasteful spending.

£40 million franchise fiasco

Taxpayers' money has been wasted on a scandalous scale with the West Coast Main Line Debacle and Alex Wild wrote about how those responsible needed to face the consequences. The Department for Transport needs tocheck its assumptions on other projects as well, before it is too late.

North Lincolnshire Council ends taxpayer funding of trade unions

More progress for our award-winning campaign on trade union funding. This sets a powerful precedent for other public bodies and we are going to keep up the pressure for more cuts in this wasteful subsidy.

MEPs' travelling circus to Strabourg

Every month MEPs and their staff relocate from Brussels to Strasbourg and it costs €200 million a year. Ashley Fox MEP has just launched an e-petition to end this practice which you can sign here.