Saturday, 6 October 2012

Irish EU Goonatics want to prosecute skipper who gave fish away for free rather than throw them dead back into the sea while many in Ireland are going hungry

EU regulation 345976493671578392457968, clause 456,598, sub-clause 876.5, page 78,576, of the EU Seawater Transfer Between Containers Regulations, 2004, states that water taken from the sea must first be gathered in a filter to remove the salt before being transfered to a plastic bottle (not exceeding two litres) containing the same amount of salt removed by the filter and then the entire contents must be returned to the sea.
Failure to wear a Darth Vader outfit while completing this process will be in violation of the EU Transferring Seawater Between Containers And Pouring It Back While Looking A Complete Prat Act, 2005.
Executing this process in the precribed manner is in accordance with the EU Seawater Transfer Between Containers Regulations, 2004, but in violation of the EU Sea Pollution By Transferring Seawater Between Containers And Pouring It Back Act, 2007.
'Fisheries Authority officers have prepared a file for submission to the Director of Public Prosecution after a Wexford trawler owner gave away fish rather than discard them at sea.
Séamus O’Flaherty, who owns the Saltees Quest, gave away fish at Kilmore Quay in Wexford yesterday morning after the vessel exceeded its EU quota of monkfish. The vessel’s skipper, Jimmy Byrne, said he took the action to oppose the EU rule that requires over-quota fish to be thrown back in the sea.
The crew, which returned to harbour on Wednesday night, were monitored by a member of an Garda Síochána at Kilmore Quay before officers from the Sea Fisheries Protection Authority arrived yesterday morning to investigate the activity.'

Scientific Proof of a Potential Alternative Energy Source Dates Back 25,000 Years

'Radiocarbon dating at the Bosnian Archaeological site, the most active pyramid site in the world dates the pyramid complex back 25,000 years and also has released scientific evidence supporting the theory that the pyramids around the world were used as an energy source.'