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Special Dispatch No. 4981
Egyptian Cleric Saad Arafat To Young Children On Egyptian TV: We Don’t Need To Burn Embassies, God Will Torment Offenders
Following are excerpts from a children's show, hosted by Egyptian cleric Saad Arafat, which aired on Al-Rahma TV on September 21, 2012.
Saad Arafat: "Have you heard that in recent days, they made a film mocking the Prophet Muhammad?"
Children: "Yes."
Saad Arafat: "Were you happy or sad?"
Children: "Sad."
Saad Arafat: "Why were you sad, Jannah?"
Jannah: "Because they curse God."
![]() In New Video, AQAP Welcomes 'Intifada Against America,' Releases 2008 Suicide Bomber's Statement
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On October 2, 2012, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) released a new video titled "Martyrs in Defense of the Prophet"; this is the group's second contribution to the current wave of anti-U.S. rage sweeping the Muslim world. The video, 18 minutes in duration, has two main propaganda purposes:
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