MEMRI Daily: October 4, 2012
Al-Qaeda Leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri: Bin Laden Emerged From The Muslim Brotherhood
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Led By Osama Bin Laden's Friend Sheikh Abdullah Zakiri, Ittehad Ulema-e-Afghanistan Issues Fatwa Against Anti-Muhammad Movie, Urges Islamic Nations To Wage Jihad Against America
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Special Dispatch No. 4987
Following are excerpts from a statement by Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri, which was posted on the Internet on September 27, 2012.
Bin Laden Was "A Sensitive And Emotional Guy... A Joker Who Liked A Good Laugh"
Ayman Al-Zawahiri: "I was reminded of Sheikh Osama bin Laden's ties with the Islamic organizations. As I have said before, he was a sensitive and emotional guy. Sheikh Osama bin Laden was also a bit of a joker who liked a good laugh and would make everybody around him happy. Let me talk about this aspect of Osama bin Laden's personality."
Special Dispatch No. 4986
Note to media and government: For a full copy of this report, send an email with the title of the report in the subject line to Please include your name, title, and organization in your email.
The Ittehad Ulema-e-Afghanistan (Alliance of Afghan Islamic Scholars), which is headed by Osama bin Laden's friend Sheikh Abdullah Zakiri, has issued a fatwa urging the rulers of Islamic countries to boycott the U.S. and United Nations in protest against the controversial anti-Muhammad movie. Sheikh Abdullah Zakiri was described by Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri as Osama bin Laden's friend in a video statement issued via jihadist internet forums on September 26, 2012.
Describing jihad against the United States of America as obligatory, the Ittehad Ulema-e-Afghanistan urged the Islamic nations to expel the U.S. ambassadors and recall their envoys from the United States. The fatwa, which is signed by over 25 Afghan Islamic scholars associated with Ittehad Ulema-e-Afghanistan, also condemned the Saudi Arabian leadership for permitting 250,000 American troops on Saudi soil. It also rejected a recent fatwa by Saudi cleric Qazi Abdul Aziz, which declared attacks on U.S. installation as haram (forbidden).
Following are excerpts from the Pashtu-language fatwa:
"Some 63 Years Ago Bait-ul-Muqaddas [Jerusalem Mosque] Fell Into The Hands Of Jews, With The American Support; Since That Day, The Islamic States One By One Are Being Occupied, And Americans Carry Out All Kind Of Crimes There"
"In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
"Fatwa Ittehad Ulema-e-Afghanistan
"Dated: Ziqa'ad 4, 1433 / September 20, 2012
"A meeting of Ittehad Ulema-e-Afghanistan was held on Ziqa'ad 4, 1433 AH [September 20, 2012] with Sheikh Abdullah Zakiri in the chair. It thoroughly deliberated the issues of American aggression [on the Muslim ummah] and the continued sacrilege of the glorified Islamic religion. [The meeting was informed that] America dared to take such actions after [the former] Soviet Union attacked Afghanistan in 1357 AH. [In response,] the Afghans started jihad and with Allah's blessing the Soviet Union bowed down on its knees and vanished from the world map, and the field was left open for America [to become the sole superpower]."
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