Friday, 5 October 2012

October 5, 2012

Numbed by Lies
The choice is to get American children out of State schools whose purpose is to indoctrinate and manage,[14] cut the size and expenditures of government greatly and let their employees, if they are able to work, find work for the industries that will come back home; or continue into the winter of a totalitarian and punitive State that kills by impoverishment, sterility, ‘transparency’ and the death of justice and thought. The media serves the State “as the great keyboard” it plays with ever more.....
by Dr. Eugene Narrett, Ph.D.

Obama has given America STD
Obama would change the United States of America into a submissive, vapor of herself and force her to submit to Islam and Sharia Law.  He would come after our 1st amendment rights (He already has) the Internet (in the works) our 2nd amendment rights and guns (scheming through treaties and executive orders) control our banking records and even how long we may live........
by Dr. Laurie Roth

The immigration factor: if we do nothing—America in 2050
If we continue on our current immigration path of adding 3.1 million immigrants annually—legally, illegally and their birthrates—America will add 138 million people to this country within 38 years. We will accelerate from 315 million today to 438 million people. What will it look like for our children? How will that number of people affect our viability as to water, energy, resources, quality of life and standard of living? What will America look like in 2050?.....
by Frosty Wooldridge