Saturday, 6 October 2012

Sat October 6, 2012
DEBKAfile Special Report October 6, 2012, 7:56 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Hamas   Israel Air Force   Gaza   UAV 
Exploding mystery UAV over Israel
Exploding mystery UAV over Israel
Israeli intelligence and air force waged a cyber battle Saturday, Oct. 6 with unidentified parties, most likely Hizballah or Iran, which sent a satellite-guided unmanned helicopter into Israeli air space through the Mediterranean.  DEBKAfile reports exclusively: For 30 minutes, control of the helicopter swung back and forth between Israeli cyber operators and unknown agents over southern Israel. Finally, four Israeli F-16 fighters shot the trespasser down, the while Israeli cyber experts tried to identify its satellite controller.
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Israel has Refueling Fleet for Iran
US Congress research team debunks Obama on Israel’s capacity to attack Iran. 
Tehran Claims Plot against Currency
Western-Israeli softening-up operation before attacking its nuclear sites. 
US Intelligence at Sea in Syria
No inkling who leads the Syrian revolt or a candidate to follow Assad. 

Defecting Iranian cameraman brings CIA priceless film of secret nuclear sites 
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
October 5, 2012, 1:01 AM (GMT+02:00)
Hassan Golbankhan and Rev Guards chiefs
Hassan Golbankhan and Rev Guards chiefs
DEBKAfile reveals one of the CIA’s most dramatic scoops in many years, an epic disaster for Iran. Our most exclusive Iranian and intelligence sources disclose that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s personal cameraman, Hassan Golkhanban, who defected from his UN entourage in New York on Oct. 1, brought with him an intelligence treasure trove of up-to-date photographs and videos of Iran’s top leaders visiting its most sensitive and secret nuclear and missile sites. He is staying at an undisclosed address.

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Israel has Refueling Fleet for Iran
US Congress research team debunks Obama on Israel’s capacity to attack Iran. 
Tehran Claims Plot against Currency
Western-Israeli softening-up operation before attacking its nuclear sites. 
US Intelligence at Sea in Syria
No inkling who leads the Syrian revolt or a candidate to follow Assad. 
Continuous Turkish artillery barrage cuts out 10-km buffer strip inside Syria
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
October 4, 2012, 1:29 PM (GMT+02:00)
Turkish artillery barrage against Syria
Turkish artillery barrage against Syria
Turkish artillery continued to pound Syria Thursday, October 4, with the aim of carving out a 10-kilometer buffer strip inside Syria, DEBKAfile reports. Several Syrian army bases and positions inside this strip have taken direct hits and a large number of Syrian troops were killed or wounded. Turkey hopes its artillery barrage will help Syrian rebels create a 50-km long protected corridor between Aleppo and the Turkish border. Ankara and Damascus have both imposed a blackout to keep events under control and avoid a full-blown war.
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