The Spanish are essentially correct in blaming global bankers etc, i.e. corporatism (forget about Rothschilds and Rockerfellers and Jews - though they may have a role in it) and not the EU per say, though they probably don't know why.
North and Booker's book, Great Deception, was it is essentially wrong and a deception in itself.
Yes Monnet, Sinclair Schuman and others may have looked like founding fathers but they, well certainly Monnet, were tools of corporatism. Evans Pritchard Davis has written as long as a 10 years ago about his discovery that Mnnet had received financial support from the Corporate sector for his 'founding father' operation.
North and Booker, though I suspect Booker just went along with North's disinformation, have done us a great dis-service by deliberately or not covering the true tracks of EU origins.
To learn who's really behind it all you should, if you haven't already, read Nicholas Haggar's 'The Syndicate'. And, the just published book; Solving 9-11 by Christopher Bollyn. Although the latter is mostly about those behind 9-11, it does touch on the corporatists behind the banking scam.Movemeny6
It was me that manged to get hold of Rabbetat's thesis (his father was in charge of EM in early 1950s) on the history of the European Movement written in 1963 from the Bodleian Library in Oxford. When I was given access only 4 or 5 other people had signed to read it and copying it was verboden. The chief librarian said it was very sensitive (because it undermines the European Movement).
Because they found that th eauthor had died and there were no heirs listed they let me copy up to 200 of the 600 or so pages, but I actually copied 300 or half of it.
Anyway the thesis is clear that American and other global bankers and parts of the military industrial complex were behind the formation of the EM without which there would have been no EU.
The thesis list the corporations and bankers and people involved and I have circulated that before, but people still have not got it and target the wrong people the EU. The EU is a symptom of a bigger disease. If the corporates decided tomorrow that they didn't think the EU served its purposes any longer, it would die overnight.
Richard North has to come in for criticism for the 'great Deception', what an ironical title - doesn't that give the game away.
Now of course we have to wonder why Richard North is undermining the Constitution with his Harrogate initiative. I have decided to go to the next meeting in Leamington as Nial Warry has given me some hope that the codified constitution they want to develop may take some of the real Constitution, but I am not holding out much hope.
In view of my publishing and helping with 'The Layman's Guide to the English Constitution' researched and written by Albert Burgess, I am going to ask to be on the sub-committee looking into the so called 'codified constitution' they want to create before it is put to the nation.
So you can see that all the evidence points to the Spanish being right.
in reply to your last point - the answer is "clearly not"
This YouTube video is quite terrifying.
It would seem that all these disaffected countries are bound to turn to the extreme right, Fascism, or the extreme left, Communism. It would appear that they are likely to return to communism.
As far as one can gather they do not blame the European Union, or rather the unelected, unaccountable Commissars that run it but "Anglo Saxon capitalism" as epitomised by the bankers such as the Rothschilds and Rockerfellers, which is then very easily translated to Jewish bankers and it is but a step then again to blame the Jews and so the wheel turns. The very things that the EU was supposed to be the counter of it would now seem to be the perpetrator of.
Do those who rule our country not realise what is happening?
Thanks, will watch and circulate.
I am absolutely sure that this can only get worse and worse and worse until the euro gives way - then at last once the shorter term consequences are out of the way, recovery will be possible.
But how long will the EU elite hang on in there, how many will lose their jobs or their limbs or their lives? Large numbers I fear.
I very much hope not here, but as things get worse there will be a very real risk of people who cannot find work and cannot eat using the right of free movement to move to the countries that are doing better, including us. Some weeks ago I read that HMG are working on plans for when that happens.