The ASA: Still Insulting Our Intelligence | Spiked
Beeb‘s Pro-Hamas Coverage | The Commentator
Labour’s Deficit Clock | Speccie
Ghana v Argentina? | Business Recorder
Commons Staff Label MPs Bullies | Evening Standard
Hattie Makes a Tit of Herself | The Sun
The Election That Never Was | Damian McBride
Dave Has A Fight On His Hands | Nick Wood
Shapps ASA ‘Investigation’ | Telegraph
Mili-Millionaire Challenged Again Over True Wealth | Telegraph
Gove Backs Heckled Labour Girl | Speccie
Beeb‘s Pro-Hamas Coverage | The Commentator
Labour’s Deficit Clock | Speccie
Ghana v Argentina? | Business Recorder
Commons Staff Label MPs Bullies | Evening Standard
Hattie Makes a Tit of Herself | The Sun
The Election That Never Was | Damian McBride
Dave Has A Fight On His Hands | Nick Wood
Shapps ASA ‘Investigation’ | Telegraph
Mili-Millionaire Challenged Again Over True Wealth | Telegraph
Gove Backs Heckled Labour Girl | Speccie
Cold-Blooded Ed Knifed McBride
One of the most interesting stories recounted by McBride is his conversation with Ed Miliband after he had been accused of briefing against the future Labour leader:
“When he called me that Sunday, I told him what a joke it was that I was being accused of briefing against him and others. “But where’s it all coming from, Damian?” he said. “They’ve got all these details of the meetings we had; that must have come from you.” “Of course that stuff’s from me”, I said, “that’s just the colour – that’s harmless, but they’re accusing me of doing the lines blaming you and Douglas and Spencer for the whole thing.” “Well where’s all that coming from, Damian?”Watson and Balls should take note.
His voice and tone reminded me eerily of Hal the computer in the film 2001. “I don’t know, but it’s not from me – I’d never brief against you.” “I don’t believe you, Damian” he said, “I think you’re lying.” It felt like an ice cold razor had been dragged down my spine. “Ed, for God’s sake, don’t say that. I’d never brief against you.” “That’s the trouble, Damian, I don’t believe that’s true. I think you’re lying.” “Stop saying that, Ed. You can’t accuse me of lying. I’m not going to have that.” “I can’t help it, Damian, I think you’re a liar.” “If you keep saying that, you know we’re finished, I’m not having that.” “I don’t care, Damian, I think we are finished.””
Pro-Chavez Labour MPs Fly to Venezuela

@afneil I'm in Venezuela. I hear you're interested in my new Facebook page. Are you not going to 'like' it then? #bbctwfacebook.com/pages/Diane-Ab…
Will Dave and Nick Back Moalition?

It’s nearly that time of year again. Thousands of men up and down the country are set to take part in the Movember campaign to raise awareness for prostate cancer. Will they be joined by Dave and Nick? The Moalition Manifesto is calling for the PM and his Deputy to grow moustaches.
As amusing as it would be to see a Moalition, Guido is sceptical that these two posh boys would be willing to make themselves look like Edwardian gentlemen…
+ + + Huhne Trial Delayed Until January + + +
Trial of Chris Huhne and Vicky Pryce for perverting the course of justice delayed until January for legal reasons.
Shapps A-OK With ASA, No Adverts to Ban

It’s hardly surprising that they would get involved though. The ASA is chaired by Chris Smith, the former Labour MP and now peer. They are a censorious bunch of self-appointed bureaucrats making politically correct judgements in areas they should not go into. To call them a “kangaroo court” would be to insult the powers of jurisprudence wielded by antipodean mammals. They have no place in a free democracy…
UPDATE: The ASA has “investigated” and made “rulings” on anti-gay marriage adverts, anti-environmentalist adverts, Fathers4Justice adverts,pro-hanging adverts – do you see a politically correct agenda here? They should stay out of political advertising.

Tory Guns Turn on Cameron

Watson Attempts to Silence Critic

Both Gareth Morgan of the Daily Star Sunday and Fraser Nelson of the Spectator were contacted this afternoon by a whining Watson, complaining about a deliberately misconstrued Tweet from one of their contributors.
When it was pointed out that perhaps it would be more appropriate to talk to the Tweeter in question directly, Watson declared that he would not, preferring to try have him silenced by higher powers.
Tom should spend less time worrying about Neo-Guido’s job and more time about his own…