Saturday, 6 October 2012

The Currency War on Iran

By Peter Beaumont
A collapse in the rial, greeted with glee by some, is a cause not for celebration but for fear. Continue
China To Challenge US Dollar Reserve Currency Status

By Mark OByrne
At the Clinton Global Initiative last week Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein said that the US could risk its status as the world’s reserve currency… Continue

How has Venezuela changed since Hugo Chavez took power?: By looking at key indicators we can see that poverty levels and illiteracy have fallen but violent crime and inflation has increased.
UK: Workers are £1,600 a year poorer because of state of economy, study finds: Workers are on average £1,600 worse off each year than three years ago because the "dire" state of the economy has pushed down wages, according to a new study.
In a world gone crazy: Exclusive: Banks Fire Warning Over Fines: Bank bosses have warned the FSA that escalating fines could threaten the stability of the UK's banking system.
Iceland’s Economy now growing faster than the U.S. and EU after arresting corrupt bankers: So Iceland decided not to follow the rest of the world by bailing out the bankers. Instead, they chose to arrest them. Now their economy is recovering faster than the EU and the United States. Hmmmm.
Six Biggest U.S. Banks Earn $63 Billion: Four years ago today, President George W. Bush signed into law the biggest corporate rescue in American history. Even as U.S. unemployment has remained above 8 percent for 43 months, the country’s biggest banks are making almost as much as they ever have.