Sunday, 11 November 2012

Seen Elsewhere

Max Clifford recorded on covert video…
“I know that the truth will destroy them, and they don’t deserve that. So I create a false image. I’m deceiving people, I’m lying, for sure…”

The NoTW exposed paedos.
The BBC employs them.


Full Jeremy Paxman Statement on Entwistle Resignation

Statement from Jeremy Paxman:
“George Entwistle’s departure is a great shame. He has been brought low by cowards and incompetents.
The real problem here is the BBC’s decision, in the wake of the Hutton Inquiry, to play safe by appointing biddable people.
They then compounded the problem by enforcing a series of cuts on programme budgets, while bloating the management
That is how you arrive at the current mess on Newsnight. I very much doubt the problem is unique to that programme.
I had hoped that George might stay to sort this out.It is a great pity that a talented man has been sacrificed.
While time-servers prosper. I shall not be issuing any further statements or doing any interviews.”
Right, so who is next for the chop?

Saturday Seven Up