Sunday, 11 November 2012

Obama welfare vote buying hits $1 trillion before re-election
Under President Barack Obama, the U.S. government is distributing a record amount of public assistance and new report reveals that it’s much worse than previously imagined because the Obama administration is spending more than the median national income to provide each impoverished household with welfare, a public-interest watchdog group reported on Halloween, the day of trick-or-treat. According to a disturbing report.....
by NWV News

Elections Do Have Consequences
How about Obama cancelling the Day of Prayer celebration at the White House but holds a celebration for Ramadan? Then all of the attacks on the religious community from forcing religious organizations to supply birth control which is against their beliefs. Strange enough on that matter Muslims don’t have to participate in Obamacare because it is against their religious beliefs but Protestants and Catholics do have to even though it is against their religious beliefs........
by Pastor Roger Anghis

No Guarantees
That great ships seldom sink is part of the poignancy surrounding the Titanic’s saga. Most boats float provided the designer’s specifications are observed. The same is true for aircraft. A four-seat Cessna plane flies almost as reliably as a Boeing jetliner. Just like boats and planes, a house will stand durably if architect’s plans are followed......
by Rabbi Daniel Lapin