you familiar with the 10/40 window?
10/40 Window is a section of the world – between 10 and 40 degrees north of the
equator – that encompasses those nations that have been least reached with the Gospel
message. These nations include China, India, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Sudan and
Nigeria, and more.
experienced persecution do not fully understand what it means to have their
lives threatened, homes destroyed, rights violated and loved ones imprisoned,
all because of embracing faith in Jesus Christ,” said K. P. Yohannan, GFA
founder and president, in a statement. “In the 14 countries we serve,
persecution of this sort has become a normal way of life, especially for those
directly involved in mission work.” (
message to America:
is already here as Christians are being told to be quiet or be bullied or fined
or fired from their jobs Jesus is not welcome at many jobs, school,
colleges….so my question is. Will the body of Christ here in America, will
you turn your face back to the Lord Jesus Christ, repent, and bring our people back
into the arms of the living Lord. This world may not accept us, but Christ can
lead us out of this darkness.
have been praying for the 10/40 window since 1997 and even then, I said this
was eventually going to spread and get worse and later on end up in America as
this week, several people in the 10/40 window have contacted me for prayer and
have given me updates on their ministry in these dangerous areas. They are
living for Christ with all they have. However, when I look here in America, I
do not see many people who would be willing to live for Christ with such
passion and fervor as these missionaries are doing even in the face of danger. We
need to follow their example and give our whole lives to Christ today. Because
what I can see is coming upon the horizon for our country can make or break us.
Persecution of Christians is coming right here in America so it’s time to get
JMC Ministries