Monday, 12 November 2012

Prophetic Force Energizing the World Agenda
There have been prophets from many religious and spiritual disciplines. But, the Biblical prophets deal with the archetypical conflict with good and evil. In addition, Biblical though deals with the basis and primal concepts of eternity, judgment, Satan, Armageddon, hell and the Second Coming. The mere mention of these words makes many, in our Internet and neurologically wired global community, physically sick. I understand this.......
by Paul McGuire

A Victory for Failure
As I have explained in Restore the Republic, because the current government is unsustainable by every economic measure, it will eventually collapse as those willing to provide the services offered by the government find the economic reality of the market such that they cannot affordably provide those services; as tax revenues continue to decline atop a market that cannot bear the added tax increases; and as the number of people unemployed and dependent on entitlements mushrooms beyond the ability of.....

The Election of 2012
For months, highly paid conservative national talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck were telling us that because of continually high unemployment, etc., there was no way President Obama would be re-elected. On the other hand, for months I have been telling listeners on Radio Liberty that the Power Elite (PE) wanted Obama re-elected in order to fulfill their plan for world control............
by Dennis Cuddy

Intractable and Cultural poverty create multicultural perfect storm
As it stands today, 47 million people in America feed themselves off the backs of American workers. Millions more accept unemployment checks. The United States sinks like the Titanic from $16 trillion in debt on its way to $20 trillion within four years—under Obama. Barack Obama has become the “great emancipator” of those who avoid work on a daily basis......
by Frosty Wooldridge