Read the crazy news here.The sex scandal is about more than sex.
Way more.
America's top commander of the failed Afghan war emailed …
thousands … of …
documents … to a so-called Tampa socialite.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 10:24 PM
BACK IN THE DAY: In 1920, the League of Nations put Syria under French mandate. |
New Mandate Era Looms as France (Foolishly) Rushes In
France is the first European power to recognize the new Syrian opposition coalition. Read more.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 6:07 PM
Unnecessary Conflicts that Turned Troops and Diplomats
into Cannon Fodder Turn Generals into Tabloid Fodder
ALL IN: Scandal spreads, Pentagon probes, public puzzled by surging headlines. |
The forgotten back story: the unnecessary Iraq intervention wrecked a contained country, ruined the United States (and the Republican Party) and created a de facto Iranian satellite. The unnecessary land war in Afghanistan--Al Qaeda and the Taliban should have been aerially obliterated within hours or days of 9/11 by any and all means necessary--had no chance of ending well given CNN rules of engagement, idiotic "nation building" and, above all, Washington's refusal to destroy the enemy's cross-border sanctuaries in Pakistan, the (nuclear armed) nation that invented and sustained the Taliban and aided and sheltered Al Qaeda and its chief. The unnecessary Libya intervention--on the side of Islamists--has proved to be a blessing for Al Qaeda and its sympathizers, including groups in Syria that were apparently receiving Libyan arms with covert American and Turkish assistance before the massacre of four Americans in Benghazi, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya.
Soldiers stabbed in the back … Americans slain in the dark …
not to worry! A strange sex scandal (a celebrated general's bizarre biographer-mistress sends harassing emails to a socialite who was the recipient of t
housands of "inappropriate" emails from another general) promises to produce what America apparently needs most-
-another reality TV show. Already, agents (the Hollywood kind) must be drooling, contracts must be drawing, producers must be pitching….
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 5:14 AM
Investor fears intensify over Greece, future of Eurozone. Read more.
Comment: the real fear is that the Greek and Spanish depressions will spread across Europe, that the continent is heading back to the future--to the 1930s.
# posted by Confidential Reporter