Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Yesterday on a school bus used by the school my son attends, a boy threw an apple out of a window of the bus and it hit a car. The Police were there in minutes, detained the bus for an hour and I believe arrested the boy.

In PA if two witnesses see a driver (hit and run / dangerous driving) they can call the Police and the driver will be charged and given points. The system works - I have a very high regard for the police here in Pennsylvania. 

They have earned respect, many are ex military servicemen. The streets are clean - I have been here 11 months. I have not seen anyone drunk. I have not seen gangs of yoofs - I have not seen litter ($300 fine instantly for littering the highway) - ok it is Chester County but the difference between here (and this is a blue State) and the UK is world's apart.

If the burglar had been in a house in Pennsylvania and the owner had shot and killed him, there would be no charges against the home owner due to PA Castle Doctrine.

I wish I had left ten years earlier.


Businessman who tackled burglar in his mother's home is held for 18 HOURS in police custody for 'assaulting' intruder