Monday, 31 December 2012

Audio: Peace Through a Turkish Islamic Union?

A beautiful blond Turkish Peace Activist explains her version and ideas for peace: Turkey will take charge.
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12/31/2012, 1:40 PM

A7 Radio's "News & Call-In with Tamar Yonah" with Tamar Yonah
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A beautiful blond Turkish Peace Advocate joins Tamar Yonah on her 'News & Views' show, and explains a different version and idea for peace:  Turkey will take charge.
Ceylan (pronounced Jay-len) Ozbudak, who works with the controversial Islamicleader Adnan Oktar (AKA Harun Yahya), suggests that Turkey can mediate between Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Egypt, et al, for peace, and that Turkey could protect the Jewish people's right to live in Israel, as well as manage the region.  But will this grandiose plan work, and does Israel want to give up much of its sovereignty to be protected by the former 'Ottoman Empire'?
Ozbudak hosts a television show called, 'Building Bridges', with a variety of other young Turkish women.  They state on their show, that in order to ensure peace,  "we believe that this can only be done through a Turkish Islamic Union, where all the countries will be independent in their states, but they will be under one roof and Turkey will be the spiritual leader of this Turkish Islamic Union".  The show airs on A9TV , which states on its website that it "has been set up to build up love, justice and solidarity among people and our main aim is being pioneer for peace all over the world by using the unifying policy of Turkish Islamic Union. In every show you watch you will feel this policy clearly."
Ozbudak is sincere in her peace advocacy, and says that in her program, Building Bridges, "we are engaging in eradicating the misconceptions about Islam, about how Muslims should refer to people of other faiths, and people in other countries and also towards each other."   Other issues discussed are her thoughts on  a Palestinian State, the 2 State Solution, Egypt's new president, Mohamed Morsi, Hamas and Fatah unity, and the Flotilla that sailed to Gaza to try to break Israel's legal blockade on the terrorist entity.  
This program presents interesting views that you may not have heard before, and makes for a dynamic dialogue.

Tamar Yonah is the daughter of a Holocaust survivor.  Her father survived the Nazi brutalities and after liberation, made his way to the shores of the British Palestine Mandate, where again fighting for his survival, fought in Israel's war of Independence. This made a great impression on her life and she too has been fighting for Israel by serving in the Israeli army & air force, and afterwards by becoming an activist for Israel and the Jewish nation. She has been a vocal beacon of light since beginning a prolific career in radio. She hosts The Tamar Yonah Show - Israel's most popularEnglish language radio talk show.  She also writes a biting and sometimes humorous, award winning blog that discusses current events, religion and politics.   You can email Tamar at: