Monday, 31 December 2012
December 31, 2012
Dear Editor,
An Open Letter to the Four Hundred Jewish Clergy and “J” Street
Four Hundred plus rabbis and cantors organized by "J" Street, recently sent a letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu in which they alleged that building settlements in Area "E1" would be the final blow to a peaceful solution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
Has "J" Street or anyone of these members of the Jewish clergy ever written to the leaders of the Palestinians pertaining to the following issues and incidents?
1. The failure of the Palestinians to change one word of their 33 clause genocidal charter which calls for the destruction of Israel.Amending the PLO Charter was a major Palestinian obligation under the Oslo "Peace" Accords?
2. The fact that there has been an annual average of 108 Israeli civilian deaths from Palestinian terrorism during the post-Oslo years from 1999 through 2009 compared with only 29 annual average Israeli civilian deaths from the 51 years of "no-peace" from 1949-1998.
3. A recent Palestinian Authority TV production honoring the return of the 91 dead bodies of Palestinian terrorists as role models and martyrs for being killed during their attempts to murder Israeli civilians.
4. A June 2011 Palestinian summer "Camp" where children were arranged in groups named after Dalal Mughabi who led a terrorist group which murdered 37 Israeli civilians including 12 children; Salah Khalaf, the head of Black September which was a terrorist group which killed 2 American diplomats and 11 Israeli civilian athletes in the 1972 Olympics; and Abu Ali Mustafa who planned many of the attacks on Israeli civilians during the Intifada.
5. Two Palestinian Authority TV broadcasts which glorified Palestinian terrorists who killed more than 100 Israeli civilians.
6. Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) an Israeli organization which monitors the Palestinian media has cataloged more than 30 documented pages of Palestinian glorification and immortalization of murderous Palestinian terrorists.
"J" Street and the Jewish Clergy would utilize their time and effort more wisely if they addressed their criticisms to the documented Palestinian barbaric behavior rather than castigating their fellow Jews for building apartments.
Best regards,
William K. Langfan
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Britannia Radio