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51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis
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51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis[Hardcover]

Lenni Brenner (Author)

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Book Description

November 1, 2002
This book brings to light, through the use of actual historic documnets, the desservice that the Zionist did to Jews before and during the Holocaust.

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About the Author

Lenni Brenner has authored three critically acclaimed books on Jewish history: Zionism in the Age of Dictators, The Iron Wall: Zionist Revisionism from Jabotinsky to Shamir and Jews in America Today. He currently resides in New York City.

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    173 of 202 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars The Debate that Zionism is Afraid Of July 5, 2005
    In 1953 the leader of Hungarian Zionism, Rudolf Kastner, brought a libel action in Israel against a holocaust survivor, Malchiel Greenwald, who accused him of collaboration. Kastner was a senior official in the Israeli Labour Party Mapai and due to become one of its members in the next Knesset. Kastner had, in exchange for 700 (which grew to about 1680) of the Jewish elite - members of Zionist groups, the rich, family members etc. - (one thousand of the elite, bourgoeis and Zionsits, shipped out on a train, provided the Gestapo in Hungary with both lists of names and the whereabouts of Jews to be deported. Even worse, the Auschwitz Protocols, complied from the account of Rudolph Vrba (died March 26 2006) and his companion Wetzler, which detailed the whereabouts of Auschwitz and described the operation of the gas chambers, was suppressed by Kastner, who acted as the representative in Hungary of the Jewish Agency, the Palestine wing of the World Zionist Organisation. The result was that nearly 450,000 Hungarian Jews were deported before the Vrba/Wetzler report was broadcast on the BBC and printed in the New York Times in mid June 1944, 6 weeks after the deportation of Hungary's Jews and their extermination. But at least 100,000 of Budapest's Jews were saved, despite the best efforts of the Zionist organisations to suppress the Report.

    In 1944 the Nazis were facing defeat. They weren't able to round up the Jews like in Poland. For one they were an assimilated community, secondly there were very few SS to do the job. Auschwitz was coming to the end of its life with its exposure in the West.

    Kastner lost his libel action in the Jerusalem District Court where Judge Halevi wrote that he 'sold his soult to the devil'. After a fierce rearguard action (by which time Kastner, had been assasinated by Israel's Shin Bet) the verdict was reversed on political grounds. All the facts proved in the lower court were accepted as true and one aspect of the collaboration was upheld. SS Colonel Kurt Becher, who had led the SS in their task of liquidating Hungary's Jews, was imprisoned after the war by the Americans. Who rescued him? Kastner who testified, on behalf of the Jewish Agency, that Becher was a saviour of the Jews! Indeed he testified on behalf of all the war criminals with Eichmann - Wisliceny, Krumey - claiming they had rescued Jews!

    This book contains much more about the deals between the Nazis and Zionists. The latter accepted the racial politics of the Nazis. They were the racial Jews. They too wanted a racial state, and after the war they got one. They even broke the anti-fascist boycott of Germany in 1933 because boycotts were 'unZionist' (the resulting Transfer Agreement (Ha'avarah)) led to 60% of capital investment in the Yishuv (Zionist state in the making) being from Nazi Germany.

    The precursor of this book, that blazed the trail, was Perfidy, by famous Hollywood Producer Ben Hecht, who was himself an ardent Zionist. For 30 years the Zionists did their best to suppress Perfidy. They erased the name of Rudolph Vrba from Holcaust historiography (even today the Holocaust Propaganda Museum in Washington does not sell or have any mention of the name of Vrba - just as it removes the communists from Pastor Niemellor's famous saying about 'they came for the Jews....'

    Tony Greenstein

    I have also added here a reply to the comment by a Zionist as it is of general interest.

    Mikey Ezra unfortunately tries to defend the indefensible. He seems to forget that the leader of Hungarian Zionism, Rudolf Kastner, brought an action in an Israeli court in 1954 for libel against an elderly pamphleteer, Malchiel Greenwald, who had accused him of collaborating with the Nazis in Germany. He 'forgets' that those who testified against Kastner were primarily Hungarian Jews who had, notwithstanding Kastner's efforts, survived the Hungarian Holocaust. Some 20 survivors of the concentration camps gave evidence against Kastner. And according to Ben Hecht's Perfidy (p.173) on October 15th 1945 all the survivors of the deportation from Cluj `Zionists, Social Democrats, Communists, Jews of every sort - try him in absentia in a people's court and pronounce him a war criminal'. Mikey however, in the service of a state ideology, Zionist, knows better than those who survived against all the odds.

    The State, which insisted on Kastner's libel action, in the form of its Attorney General, Chaim Cohen was quite explicit that the Zionist practice was to save the few out of the many. It was called 'selectivity'. Those who wish to read up on these things can read e.g. Lenni Brenner's Zionism in the Age of the Dictators, Ben Hecht's 'Perfidy' or indeed S Beit Zvi's 'Ugandan Zionism in the Crucible of the Holocaust'. The latter two are Zionists. All agree that the aim of Zionism was the political goal of achieving statehood and everything else was secondary. Let me quote Attorney General Cohen, was by this time was not so much prosecuting a libel action as defending Kastner:
    `If in Kastner's opinion, rightly or wrongly, he believed that one million Jews were hopelessly doomed, he was allowed not to inform them of their fate; and to concentrate on the saving of the few.
    `He was entitled to make a deal with the Nazis for the saving of a few hundred and entitled not to warn the millions. In fact, if that's how he saw it, rightly or wrongly, that was his duty.... It has always been our Zionist tradition to select the few out of many in arranging the immigration to Palestine [the Weizmann Blueprint'. Are we therefore to be called traitors?' Hecht, p.195.

    Kastner incidentally failed in his libel action in the Jerusalem District Court, because of the evidence amassed. All the factual findings of the lower court were upheld by the Supreme Court which, on narrow political and legal grounds, primarily that one couldn't judge the past or what constituted collaboration, reversed the previous verdict by a majority verdict (with 2 judges rejecting Kastner's sophistry). However they upheld the charge of collaboration on one key issue, that Kastner went to Nuremburg to testify in favour of the Nazi war criminal, Lt. Col. Becher (later promoted) of the SS. In fact it later turned out that Kastner had testified in favour of 3 more Nazis - SS General Hans Juttner, Krumey and Wisliceny, the architect of the Holocaust in Slovakia, who was hanged in Bratislava after the war.

    These are the facts that Mikey would like erased. If he had read the 300+ page Report of Kastner to his bosses in the Jewish Agency after the war, a Report which doesn't even mention the Auschwitz Protocols whereby Vrba and Wetzler, the Auschwitz escapees reveal the existence of the Auschwitz extermination camp, he would notice the REPEATED references to the train rescue of the Prominents. Its primary purpose was to rescue the Zionist and Jewish elites, the Prominents. Some others scrambled aboard at the last minute, others included nearly 400 friends of Kastner's from Cluj, his home town and some of the Orthodox Jewish establishment. What it didn't consist of was the working classes of Hungarian Jewry.

    As to the alleged 'mistakes'.
    (1) dealt with
    (2) Kastner and the Jewish establishment, including the Judenrat that was set up, certainly did provide lists of local Jews. The allegation is in Eugene Levai's 'Black Book of Hungarian Jewry.' amongst other sources.
    (3) The Zionist Moshe Krauss was a bitter enemy of Kastner and in a minority of one. A number of dissident Zionists wanted rescue above all, unlike the Zionist leadership. People like Ben Hecht and Bergson/Merlin of the Emergency Committee in the USA that Zionist leader Stephen Wise labelled as 'bad as Hitler' despite being responsible for the creation of the War Refugee Board which saved some hundreds of thousands of Jews. Wise and the American Jewish Congress and US Zionist Organisation had done their best to attack other Jews who did want to make rescue, as opposed to statehood their priority. There is no genetic or biological quality among Zionists which prevent their wanting to oppose anti-Semitism. The problem is the politics of the Zionist movement which mitigate against the most natural inclinations to oppose racism. So some Zionists live with these contradictions until one or other gives way.

    The Auschwitz Protocols were handed to Kastner on April 29th by the Slovak Jewish Council leader and also a Zionist, Oskar Neumann. This is testified to by a number of sources including Vrba. Kastner sat on them. The only people told were his own comrades, the passengers on the train of the elite and political associates. They were however translated into a number of languages and passed to the Vatican, other emissaries and Jewish leaders and were first publicised by papers in Switzerland. That is what led to the threats by the WRB, Anthony Eden and the decision of July 9th by Admiral Horthy, the Hungarian Regent, to call a halt to further deportations, thus saving the bulk of Budapest Jewry.

    But by Mikey's own admission it wasn't Kastner, who we know received the Auschwitz Protocols, who sent them to Switzerland but Krauss. In fact it was probably the Vatican Nuncio who sent them to Switzerland although they were by this time widely disseminated in diplomatic pouches.

    4. Auschwitz ended its life on November 25th 1944. It began in 1941 as a labour camp which became transformed with Birkenau into an extermination camp. Mikey's pedanticism fools noone. Vrba and Wetzler specifically escaped from Auschwitz because of the imminent preparations of the camp for the Hungarian deportees, including the construction of a new ramp which would take those to be murdered right up to the gas chambers. Read more ›
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    361 of 429 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars Lenni Brenner is a Courageous Speaker of the Truth October 11, 2003
    History can be deceptive. It's fair to say that some of the sensational never-published-before documents, in this book, will shock those who have accepted Zionism and its supposed history, at face value, as a political movement that was the hope of the Jews. Lenni Brenner, the intrepid author of "Zionism in the Age of Dictators," reveals disturbing new evidence in his latest effort, that suggest just the opposite. In fact, he makes a compelling case that the Zionist record was "dishonorable." You can consider this excellent tome as a worthy sequel to his first expose' on the myopic Zionist zealots of that bygone era.
    For openers, Brenner showed how the Zionists had a long history of shameless cooperation with the Nazis, especially after the dictator Adolph Hitler had came to power in 1933. The Zionists were also in bed, to some extent, with the other members of what later became known as WWII's "Axis of Evil," that included Benito Mussolini's Italy, and Tojo Hideki's Japan. For example, in March 29,1936, Zionists praised Il Duce, and his regime, at the opening of a maritime school, funded by the Fascist government, at Civitavecchia. This is where a Zionist youth group, the "Betar," trained its sailors for the future Revisionist state. The speakers ignored the fact that on Oct. 3, 1935, Italian troops had invaded Abyssinia.

    On another front, the "Third Congress of the Jewish Community of the Far East," was held in Jan., 1940, in Harbin, Manchuria, then reeling under a brutal military occupation by the Japanese imperial forces. At that time, too, Tokyo was already aligned with Hitler and Italy's Mussolini, in the notorious Anti-Comintern Pact. Also, keep in mind, that the Japanese's murderous "Rape of Nanking," had occurred in Dec., 1937, and the "Crystal Night" incident on Nov. 9, 1938. Nevertheless, the Zionist confab went out of its way to legitimize the Japanese occupation by certifying it as a guarantor of the "equality of all citizens," in that beleaguered land.
    The Zionist also had a trade plan with the Berlin government by which German Jews could redeem their property in Nazi goods exported to then British-occupied Palestine. And to top it all off, the infamous SS-Hptscharf. Adolf Eichmann, had visited Palestine, in October, 1937, as the guest of the Zionists. He also met, in Egypt, with Feivel Polkes, a Zionist operative, whom Eichmann described as a "leading Haganah functionary." The chain-smoking Polkes was also on the Nazis' payroll "as an informer."
    Brenner isn't the first writer to address the mostly taboo subject of how the Zionist leadership cooperated with the Nazis. Rolf Hilberg's seminal "The Destruction of European Jews"; Hannah Arendt's "Eichmann in Jerusalem"; Ben Hecht's "Perfidy"; Edwin Black's "The Transfer Agreement"; Francis R. Nicosia's "The Third Reich and the Palestine Question"; Rudolf Vrba and Alan Bestic's "I Cannot Forgive"; and Rafael Medoff's "The Deadening Silence: American Jews and the Holocaust," also dared, with varying public success.
    After the Holocaust began in 1942, Eichmann dealt regularly with Dr. Rudolf Kastner, a Hungarian Jew, whom he considered a "fanatical Zionist." Kastner was later assassinated in Israel as a Nazi collaborator. At issue then, however, was the bargaining over the eventual fate of Hungary's Jews, who were slated for liquidation in the Nazi-run death camps. Eichmann said this about Kastner, the Zionist representative, "I believe that [he] would have sacrificed a thousand or a hundred thousand of his blood to achieve his political goal. He was not interested in old Jews or those who had become assimilated into Hungarian society. `You can have the others,' he would say, `but let me have this group here.' And because Kastner rendered us a great service by helping keep the deportation camps peaceful. I would let his groups escape."
    Readers, too, will be surprised to learn, that after the Nuremberg Anti-Jewish Race Laws were enacted in Sept., 1935, that there were only two flags that were permitted to be displayed in all of Nazi Germany. One was Hitler's favorite, the Swastika. The other was the blue and white banner of Zionism. The Zionists were also allowed to publish their own newspaper. The reasons for this Reich-sponsored favoritism was, according to the author: The Zionists and the Nazis had a common interest, making German Jews emigrate to Palestine.
    As early as June 21, 1933, the German Zionist Federation was sending a secret memorandum to the Nazis, which said, in part:
    "It is our opinion that an answer to the Jewish question truly satisfying to the national state [German Reich] can be brought about only with the collaboration of the Jewish movement that aims as a social, cultural and moral renewal of Jewry- -indeed, that such a national renewal must first create the decisive social and spiritual premises for all solutions..."
    Incredibly, Avraham Stern, the leader of the notorious "Stern Gang," late in 1940, made a written proposal to Hitler, by which the Jewish militias in Palestine, would fight on "Germany's side," in the war against England, in exchange for the Nazis help in resolving the "Jewish Question" in Europe, and their assistance in creating an "historic Jewish state." By this date, German troops had already marched into Prague, invaded Poland, and had built the first concentration camp at Auschwitz. The deranged Stern had further bragged about how the Zionist organizations were "closely related to the totalitarian movements of Europe in [their] ideology and structure." Stern's obscene proposal was found in the German embassy, in Turkey, after WWII.
    Finally, I think Brenner was right, when he wrote, "This book presents 51 historic documents to indict Zionism for repeated attempts to collaborate with Adolf Hitler. The evidence, not I, will convince you of the truth of this issue...Exposing the Zionist role in the Nazis era is part of the scrutiny of the past, required of historians."
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    99 of 118 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars The Mistake May 25, 2005
    If there is one certainty about Lenni Brenner's work in "51 Documents" it is that attempting to defame his assertions is futile. The book is too well-documented for shrill denunciations and Brenner is quite open to public debate on the topic. As sickening as the collaboration between Zionists and Nazis was and remains, there is in fact unintentional humor in the book. Reading about the seeds of the future Israeli Navy, a Zionist Maritime Squadron, training in Mussolini's Italy in 1936 is reminiscient of a Mel Brooks movie plot, but the truth is far more shameful and truly not funny. For a bracing view of this dark chapter of Zionist history, venture into the text. 5 stars, no hesitation.
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    173 of 202 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars The Debate that Zionism is Afraid Of
    In 1953 the leader of Hungarian Zionism, Rudolf Kastner, brought a libel action in Israel against a holocaust survivor, Malchiel Greenwald, who accused him of collaboration. Kastner was a senior official in the Israeli Labour Party Mapai and due to become one of its members in the next Knesset. Kastner had, in exchange for 700 (which grew to about 1680) of the Jewish...
    Published on July 5, 2005 by Mr. Tony Greenstein

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    3 of 7 people found the following review helpful
    3.0 out of 5 stars What about Zionist collaboration with the Bolsheviks?
    This book, compiled by a self-proclaimed Trotskyist, is ridiculous. Indeed, only a Trotskyist sectarian purist could edit a volume like this.

    The book contains 51 documents, of varied quality and relevance, supposedly proving that the Zionists collaborated with the Nazis. Really?

    In reality, of course, most Zionists did no such thing. The Revisionist...
    Published on April 1, 2007 by Ashtar Command

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    1 of 2 people found the following review helpful
    4.0 out of 5 stars averroesJuly 10, 2012
    an excellent book. a damning indictment of zionism because of its collaboration with the nazis. based exclusively on source materials which makes it all the more damning.
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    2 of 5 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars Great book. Zionist hate the truthFebruary 6, 2012

    "NA" stands for National Socialist
    "ZI" stands for Zionist

    If you deny this collaboration. then you are denying the truth.
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    3 of 24 people found the following review helpful
    1.0 out of 5 stars Obsessive and disgustingMay 13, 2011
    this so called research reflects an obsessional and disgusting propensity to say what their Arab masters pay them to say. even a superficial knowledge of WWII would invite Brenner to shut up instead of sounding like a revengeful mind. He simply reflects what he was taught during the Communist era, which he longs for so deeply.
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    8 of 10 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars Let the truth be knownAugust 13, 2010
    This review is from: 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis (Hardcover)
    great book

    you can verify everything in it for yourself with your own research
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    7 of 20 people found the following review helpful
    2.0 out of 5 stars More Propaganda than HistoryJuly 26, 2010
    Trotskyite relic Lenni Brenner cannot forgive the Zionist movement for winning out over international Communism in the long-term struggle for the allegiance of Jews. Stalin, although he was the mortal enemy of Trotsky (literally), shared this disappointment. Stalin supported the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, fully expecting it to be a Soviet client. It never was and the estrangement with the Soviet Union grew only wider with time.

    This book does make some valid points in its effort to demonstrate that the Zionist movement put the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine ahead of saving world Jewry or enlisting itself in the antifascist struggle. Brenner faults the Zionists for not sending a delegation to fight on the Loyalist side in the Spanish Civil War (as if this would have tipped the balance against Franco), for training its sailors at a facility made available by the Mussolini government, for not opposing the "clerical fascist" governments of pre-**Anschluss** Austria, for accepting assistance from Imperial Japan. The Zionists were also guilty of timidity in not pressing the American government for expanded immigration of German Jews to the USA and for not engaging in street demonstrations outside German-American Bund rallies as the Communists--Jewish and not--did.

    It is true also that of the 1,000 entry visas to Palestine from Germany which the British authorities alloted, nearly all were reserved by the Jewish Agency for young and physically fit Zionists in occupations suited for a pre-industrial economy. This meant in practice that most German Jews were not wanted there. The feeling was mutual. Until the rise of Hitler and the Nazis showed how precarious their position actually was, most members of the highly assimilated Jewish community in Germany were derisive toward the Zionist experiment ("One Jew collecting money from a second Jew so that a third Jew can go to Palestine.").

    It is several times mentioned, however that anyone bringing in 1,000 British pounds would be admitted outside the quota as a "capitalist"--plainly a dirty word to this author.

    But Brenner's fury is reserved especially for the right wing of the Zionist movement: the Irgun and the miniscule but even more fanatical Stern Group. These were so opposed to continued British presence in Mandate Palestine that they once offered to fight the British in cooperation with Nazi Germany.

    Yes, there was such an offer made, in writing, by Yitzhak Shamir of the Sternists. Today it makes "embarrassing reading" in the words of the eminent historian Walter Laqueur although never were any steps taken to impliment such a cooperation.

    The Transfer Agreement is depicted as the result of a negotiation between equals instead of accommodation to desperate circumstance, and the effectiveness of a proposed Jewish Boycott, and the actual one, greatly exaggerated. There was a temporary convergence of aims between Nazis and Zionists. Both wanted Jews out of Germany--but for very different reasons. Both opposed assimilation by Jews in the societies where they lived and both accordingly believed--or said they did-- that the Jews were "racially alien" to other Europeans.

    Brenner's ultimate self-delusion, to which even George Orwell for a time subscribed, was that there was such a thing as an "international working class" capable of confronting and even defeating the fascist powers if only the rest of the world would renounce nationalism and join it.
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    15 of 25 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars Old documents are irrelevant?May 21, 2008
    Seekz (Alabama) - See all my reviews
    This review is from: 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis (Hardcover)
    What a crock by the 'old documents' folks. I stumbled across this book and the reviews purely by accident.

    I had no idea (dumb### here) such books existed in the volume that they do.

    I ALWAYS believed Zionism was corrupt.

    I bought the book based on the reviews and am not disappointed.

    From ancient times (Genesis) a part of the Israeli/Jewish community has used deception against their own people and everyone else.
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    19 of 23 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars SO?May 10, 2008
    Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
    This review is from: 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis (Hardcover)
    A six-year old book that has had remarkably little circulation in the United States . "Documents" includes a 1940 offer from the head of the Zionist Stern Gang to go to war on Hitler's side. As seen from the terrorist bombings of British sites in Palestine leading up to the 1948 declaration of the State of Israel, the Stern Gang had no compunctions about hanging British prisoners or attacking British targets.

    Collaboration with Hitler was a natural, and the Zionist rationale vis a vis Germany was simple. The Nazis wanted Jews to leave Germany. The Zionists wanted the same thing so long as the emigres' destination was Palestine. So why not work together?
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    15 of 71 people found the following review helpful
    1.0 out of 5 stars When I first heard about it, I thought it was some revelation,February 20, 2008
    This review is from: 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis (Hardcover)
    The only people to give a good review of this book are people who 1) either hate Jews or 2) bleeding heart liberals hopelessly in love with Palestinians. The fact of the matter is, nothing in this book is a secret, it is an imperative for Jews to save lives, not matter what, so if they collaborated with Eichmann to save their people that is fine, unfortunately the Nazi's changed their plans and chose to eliminate the Jews instead of deporting them to Israel. One cant help but think what small thing could have been done to stop all of this in the beginning.
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    28 of 39 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars Let's be honest...December 10, 2007
    This review is from: 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis (Hardcover)
    Can everyone please start talking honestly about Zionism, what they and the Christian Zionists in Britian did to the Palestinians, and do to this day? It is history! And yet, the Zionists have been able to make "Holocaust Denial" (questioning any aspect of the Holocaust at all) ILLEGAL in Germany as well as other places. The Auschwitz Memorial has lowered its number killed to 1.5 million (google it). This is the most used and manipulated historical event in history, not to mention the most "blackmailed". Jews alike should be looking into this, as they are used more than anyone.
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    3 of 7 people found the following review helpful
    3.0 out of 5 stars What about Zionist collaboration with the Bolsheviks?April 1, 2007
    This review is from: 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis (Hardcover)
    This book, compiled by a self-proclaimed Trotskyist, is ridiculous. Indeed, only a Trotskyist sectarian purist could edit a volume like this.

    The book contains 51 documents, of varied quality and relevance, supposedly proving that the Zionists collaborated with the Nazis. Really?

    In reality, of course, most Zionists did no such thing. The Revisionist leader Jabotinsky called for an economic boycott of Nazi Germany. The Labor Zionists supported the Allies during World War Two. Zionists participated in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, while others joined Communist partisan units. And, of course, the Zionist idea that Jews can be safe only in their own state, was ultimately proven right. Without this context in mind, the documents presented by Brenner are in effect a subtle way of suggesting that the Jews were responsible for the Holocaust. In reality, both Labor and the Revisionists smuggled Jews out of Nazi-infested Europe.

    So Brenner is a Trotskyist. Now, there was a small Trotskyist group in Albania which supported Mussolini, and later joined the right-wing, anti-Communist resistance group Balli Kombëtar. There were also Trotskyists who, after the war, expressed support for the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), a fascist organization. What conclusions should we draw from this? That Trotskyists in general were Nazi collaborators?

    What have Brenner come up with, then? Not much. Naturally, he spends an entire section of the book exposing the Stern gang (Lehi). But this group was very small and was disarmed by the Labor Zionists in 1948. That the Stern gang proposed collaboration with the Nazis in 1940 and 1941 is therefore as irrelevant as Albanian Trotskyists joining an anti-Communist resistance group after first praising Mussolini. Besides, the whole point of Lehi's proposal was that they would side with the Nazis only if Hitler agreed to resettle all Jews in Palestine. Since that never happened, the deal was off. No actual collaboration took place.

    Next, Brenner attempts to implicate the Labor Zionists in Nazi collaboration. However, the documents he presents rather show that Labor attempted to save Jews by getting them out of Germany. Unfortunately but unsurprisingly, there was a catch: the Zionists had to buy German goods in return for every Jew being allowed to emigrate. This broke the trade boycott against Germany called by many progressive groups. The abstract sectarian Trotskyist Brenner doesn't appreciate the moral dilemma of the situation: should one uphold a trade boycott even if it means sacrificing Jews? Or should one try to save as many as possible, even if it means paying the Nazis? Only a stupid Trot like Brenner could suggest, that the only solution is...yes, what? Socialist revolution? In Germany 1936?

    A similar dilemma exists in the case of Rudolph Kastner, whose case is still controversial. Kastner negotiated with the notorious Adolf Eichmann, and managed to save perhaps 2000 mostly Hungarian Jews from being killed by the Nazis. However, the rest of Hungarian Jewry was exterminated. Kastner had to "play God" and decide who was to live and who was to die. Also, he had to promise Eichmann to "uphold order in the concentration camps". The original deal between the two stipulated that one million Jews would be spared in exchange for 10,000 trucks for the Nazi army. When the trucks failed to materialize, most Jews were transported to the death camps. Still today, Jews are divided over how judge Kastner, who became a government official in Israel after the war. Was he a tragic hero? Or a cynical collaborator? The fact that Kastner appeared as a witness in favor of SS war criminals have lead many to belive the latter. But even so, Kastner was hardly identical with all of Zionism. Incidentally, Kastner was assasinated when details of his deal with Eichmann leaked out.

    When the Nazis came to power in 1933, they didn't have a clear position on the Jewish question beyond apartheid. Exclusively Jewish concentration camps were set up in 1938, the Final Solution was decided upon in 1942. Until that time, different ideas existed within the Nazi leadership about what to do with the Jews. Some wanted them expelled to a foreign country, perhaps Madagascar (at the time controlled by Vichy France). This made it possible for Zionists to attempt a "deal with the Devil": since some Nazis wanted to extradite all Jews from Germany, why not propose that they be transferred to Palestine? Today, we know that this was a naive proposal. But not even Brenner's hero Trotsky predicted the Holocaust. At the time, an transfer agreement seemed like an idea worth trying. Ironically, the Holocaust proved that all attempts to get the Jews out of Germany, no matter how naive, were at some level justified.

    Some documents in this book are frankly ridiculous. Please note that the point is to prove Zionist collaboration with Nazis. But Brenner has also included documents about Revisionist collaboration with Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan! Brenner never explains that Fascist Italy wasn't anti-Semitic, nor a fully committed ally to the Nazis, until the eve of World War Two (the documents cited are from before that). Nor does he explain that Imperial Japan didn't exterminate Jews in Manchuria. These documents tell us much about the antics of right-wing nationalists, but nothing about collaboration with Holocaust-mongers.

    Finally, I must protest against the naivety of the editor of this anthology. He seems morally outraged by the fact that Zionists can even comtemplate some kind of deal with Nazis, no matter the purpose. But please, comrade. The Bolsheviks made secret deals with both Imperial Germany and the Weimar Republic, both equally anti-Communist, and also with the rogue Ottoman adventurer Kemal Pasha, or the anti-Communist Turkish nationalist Kemal Atatürk. The Bolsheviks took money from Wall Street banks, and even attempted to collaborate with Labor Zionists in Palestine! And during all of this, a certain Leo Trotsky was one of the leaders of the Soviet Bolshevik regime... Trotsky even supported the creation of an "anti-imperialist united front" with Chiang Kai-shek. On that point, he later changed his mind. But not on the others.

    Is Lenni Brenner upset about this? Or was this "all for a good cause"?

    By all means, buy this book. The documents are interesting in and of themselves. But that's about it...
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