Tuesday, 1 January 2013


Interesting report here from the BBC. It informs us that seven charity workers, six of them women, have been shot dead in north-west Pakistan. Clearly a terrible act of savagery but who could have been responsible? Well, no one is quite sure….but the BBC helpfully ads…  ”No group has claimed responsibility for the attack although militants in the conservative Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province oppose female education and have attacked female students … Continue reading 


I’m not sure if Mark Mardell and Jonny Dymond spotted the four horsemen of the apocalypse over Washington but the tone and content of their Fiscal Cliff has certainly been full of doom and gloom and worst of all, in my opinion, wilful exaggeration. Mardell in particular has been to the fore in alleging that IF a deal was not to be done by Jan 1st then massive tax hikes … Continue reading