Monday, 10 June 2013

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Lois Lerner’s name not the only IRS Employee name on Malik Obama’s Tax-Exempt Status Approval letter
Consider something we’ve talked about before – the 501(c)(3) approval letter for the Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF), headed by Malik Obama, the President’s half-brother. There are plenty of red flags with the approval itself, before we even get into what BHOF does and who Malik consorts with, namely terrorist leaders of a terrorist state.

As we and others have pointed out, Lois Lerner’s signature is at the bottom of BHOF’s tax-exempt approval letter:
Benghazi, the Blind Sheikh, and Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood president
When it comes to the 9/11/12 Benghazi attacks, there is one name that just keeps popping up – Sheikh Abdel Rahman (“the Blind Sheikh”). This is the guy who was the mastermind behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. As we’ve pointed out, the Blind Sheikh was very close with Hassan al-Turabi, the man who founded the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO), for which Malik Obama works as Executive Secretary.

With that as a backdrop, we seem to have a confluence of developments relative to matters relating to Benghazi, the Blind Sheikh, and al-Qaeda.
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