Monday, 10 June 2013


Many more were held outside by police and the Grove Hotel management when there was plenty of space available for them in the vast grounds. This was a disgraceful way to treat decent people, many of whom had travelled for hours to get there.
Millions have been spent on 140 members of the parasite 'elite' while the people that the police are in theory (only in theory) paid to represent are treated with contempt, herded into a side lane and prevented from attending.
I have been telling the Hertfordshire police hierarchy day after day that their 'intel' on the numbers likely to attend was nonsense, but they knew best - until Saturday. Given that Watford is in the centre of such massive areas of population it is breathtaking that they could not see the obvious - or chose not to.
I am so sorry for those that could not get in and equally sorry that the authorities in all their forms felt it necessary to treat loving, peaceful people with such contempt and disdain.

David Icke Addresses Thousands at Bilderberg protest


Alex Jones Speaks to thousands at Bilderberg 2013


Bilderberg PR diversions concealed massive police build-up in advance of Watford event

'This year’s Bilderberg 2013 meeting has witnessed and extraordinary culture of secrecy surrounding the security operation, at a time when the public are told that austerity is the order of the day. But that’s not all…
Police officials are maintaining that the reason for such secrecy in advance of the event, and the extraordinary security measures has all been done in order ‘to combat the threat of terrorism’. Some might feel otherwise – that this hugely expensive exercise has been hidden in order to limit the public’s knowledge and access to the Bilderberg meeting, which in turn has helped interested parties in controlling press coverage, and keeping activists from learning too much, too soon about the secretive event.'

Bilderberg Visitors Interviewed June 8th


Bilderberg mannequins and the state ventriloquist