Wednesday 12 June 2013


B’Tselem can’t be trusted to tell the truth  

B’Tselem’s Report is very misleading. They seem to think that Israel is holding this land on trust for the Palestinians and is violating that trust by building settlements and using the water. The reality is that the Oslo Accords clearly set out what each parties rights and obligations are in C, B and A. These Accords go into great depth as to the use of the water stored in the aquifers beneath Area C. Israel has in no way violated these Accords. Nowhere in the Accords did Israel agree to prevent Jews from building in Area C. According to the Ley Report, the Jews have the right to settle these lands. According to the Oslo Accords, the Palestinians don’t.
B’Tselem ignores all this and starts with the assumption that the lands are Palestinian lands. Not so. No where were these lands granted to the Palestinians. The Palestinian’s agreed to the terms of Oslo. Now they don’t want to abide by them. Any time the Palestinians want to cut a deal with Israel to establish a state they can do so but that would require them compromising their demands. This they are unwilling to do. Oslo contemplated a negotiated settlement. They reject negotiations so can have nothing to complain about.
According to Naftali Bennett Area C has only 60,000 Arabs but B’Tselem says 180,000. The truth is probably somewhere between these numbers. Ted Belman
New B’Tselem report on Israel’s Policy in Area C of the West Bank
Dear Friends,
On June 5, B’Tselem published a new report that presents and analyzes Israel’s policy on planning and construction in Area C, and the policy’s infringement of human rights of the entire Palestinian population of the West Bank. This policy is grounded in a view of Area C’s land and water as intended to serve Israeli needs.
Therefore, the actions of the Israeli authorities are designed to minimize Palestinian presence in the region and lead to an expansion of the settlements and their areas of control. In other words, in practice, Israel has annexed Area C and brought about circumstances that will influence its permanent status.
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Shielding the Enemy  

by JANET LEVY, FSM June 11, 2013
One year ago, in June 2012, the “National Security Five” — five members of Congress led by Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) — called attention to U.S. government infiltration by Muslim Brotherhood (MB) operatives. Based on disturbing information from court evidence and documents, correspondence, media reports, congressional briefings, and public statements, they found that individuals with questionable loyalty to the United States held high-level security clearances and worked in key national security positions.
Tragically for the security of the United States and the safety of its citizens, these five earnest members of Congress, armed with ample evidence, were roundly criticized by both Republicans and Democrats, and their request for investigations was ignored.
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New poll finds decreased support for settlements among Israeli Jews west of the greenline  

[Why has there been such a big change since last year? These opinions are greatly at odds with other polls that have been taken herehere and here. Keep in mind that this poll excluded from their sample the Jews living east of the greenline.]
Israelis who live west of the Green Line are increasingly less supportive of the Jewish settlement enterprise in Judea and Samaria than they were in previous years, according to a new Ariel University poll. According to the poll, the number of Israelis who characterize themselves as right wing dropped from 57% in 2012 to 48% in this year’s poll.
The poll was commissioned by Dr. Miriam Billig and Dr. Udi Lebel ahead of the 23rd annual Judea and Samaria Research Conference, scheduled for Thursday.
The polling was done by Maagar Mochot. The respondents comprise a representative sample of 587 Israeli Jewish adults from inside the Green Line (Israel’s pre-1967 border with Jordan). The margin of error is 4.5%.
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Obama Middle East Policy: Wrong Team, Wrong Ideas  

In the Middle East, to paraphrase President Barack Obama’s mentor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the dodo birds are coming home to roost.
At this moment, the administration’s policy team consists of CIA director John Brennan, father of the “”moderate” Islamism-and-the-Muslim Brotherhood-are-good school; the Secretary of State John Kerry whothinks he is going to make Israel-Palestinian peace in one month; the know-nothing Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel; the chilling ideologue Samantha Powers as UN ambassador; and the dupe of the Benghazi scandal Susan Rice rewarded by being made national security adviser.
Can things get any more Alice in Wonderland? But what’s really happening in the region.(Read more…)

Russia’s new Middle Eastern role  

Russia has thrown a monkey wrench into Western plans for Syria by promising to deliver its top-of-the-line S300 surface-to-air missile system to the Bashar al-Assad government. Exactly when the missiles might arrive remains unclear; the last word from Moscow is that the missiles are not yet in place, which means the matter is up for bargaining.
It is humiliating for the West to trip over a game-changing Russian technology nearly a quarter of a century after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The larger scandal is that the West lacks countermeasures against the Russian system, the result of misguided defense priorities over the past dozen years. If the United States had spent a fraction of the resources it wasted in nation-building in Iraq and Afghanistan on anti-missile technology, Russia would lack the bargaining chip in the first place. That’s spilt milk, however, and the pressing question is: what should the West do now? (Read more…)

Poll: 85% oppose releasing prisoners for peace talks  

The Land of Israel Caucus (fighting to keep J&S) has about 40 government MK’s out of 69. Ted Belman
Palestinian demand to release detainees from prison “unacceptable” to majority of Israeli Jews, Smith Research poll states; 68% of Israelis believe withdrawing from West Bank will harm Israeli security.
The Palestinian Authority’s demand that Israel release terrorists from prison as a precondition for peace talks is unacceptable to 85 percent of Israeli Jews, according to a Smith Research poll sponsored by the Knesset’s Land of Israel caucus.
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PM: Construction in West Bank settlements continues  

Netanyahu says wants to resume peace talks, but insists construction will continue; State must be ‘smart’ on issue of settlements, he notes
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Monday that he wanted to resume peace talks, but that construction in the settlements in the West Bank would continue, “and continues today.”
He added, though, that “we need to realize what is going on around us. We have to be smart about it, not just correct.”
“Settlement in the blocs wouldn’t substantively change the ability to reach an agreement,” he said, adding that “the real question is whether or not there is a will to recognize the Jewish State.”
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Politicians don’t recognize the problem because then they would have to do something about it  

Paul Weston, chairman of Britain’s counter-Jihad party ‘Liberty GB’ speaks about the Woolwich murder, Islam and the state of Britain today.

A sad lament by a counterjihad writer- you can hear her moan  

We changed our lives
by Julia Caesar,
Julia Caesar is an acclaimed columnist at Snaphanen. This is a samizdat account of what it is like to be a Counterjihad writer in Sweden, but the story could equally apply to all Western nations that groan under yoke of the Multicultural hegemony.
Somebody or something woke us up. We changed our lives without really understanding how this happened. It could have been a book or some newspaper articles. It could have been blogs on the Internet. It could have been many years’ observations and slowly growing insights — pieces of a puzzle that suddenly fell into place.
We weren’t the ones who changed our lives. In secrecy our politicians changed our lives. Without ever being asked about our opinion, we were forced into a society of multiculture and extreme mass immigration which has never functioned anywhere or anytime. Like guinea pigs we were thrown into a gigantic social and demographic laboratory experiment without any possibility of getting away. We were told that we were supposed to feel enriched.
Otherwise we were racists.
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel