No matter what we think of
Chuckles grey matter, the agenda is very real. The purpose of the Multi-Culti, Multi-Faith
agenda(wherever implemented) is to neuter/break down/deconstruct the dominant
culture, so eventually the NWO culture/religion can be implemented.
While the Jolly Green Prince ,
because of his exalted position can only warily moan about 9 Billion people
being too much, and cautiously approach other EcoTheological issues, his
advisors are much
more forthright and direct. So
it’s instructive to examine them
"The market system is not
functional," insisted the chairman, Sir Crispin Tickell, incidentally, one
of Prince Charles' most trusted advisers. The strategy should be for each
country to achieve self-sufficiency through a mixture of production subsidies,
import controls and rationing (that last bit wasn't actually spelled out, but
I'm blowed if I can see how else you are going to persuade people to eat less).
Margaret Thatcher and Crispin Tickell
Huxley family tree (partial)
Dominic Lawson:
A retort to the population control freaks
I don't accept the assumption that this country is unbearably
overcrowded – or would be at 71m.
Respectable opinion offers a different response to this
alleged problem. Thus, on BBC Radio 4's Today Programme, Sir Crispin Tickell
GCMG, KCVO said that we should be pursuing policies that would reduce our
population to 20 million – a third of its current level. Meanwhile, a columnist
on The Times, Melanie Reid, argued that we should look to the People's Republic
of China for appropriate remedies. Referring to China's "one child"
policy, Ms Reid wrote that: "I rather admire the Chinese. They recognised
a huge problem and did something about it. It was dreadfully crude but it has
prevented the births of 400 million people."
I was surprised to hear Sir Crispin Tickell citing 20
million as the appropriate number of residents for the UK; only four years ago,
on BBC 2's Newsnight, he spoke in support of a figure of 30 million. Numbers,
numbers. In his earlier broadcast, Sir Crispin remarked: "Someone has said
that constantly increasing growth is the doctrine of the cancer cell. You just
get out of control."
This metaphor, in effect describing the birth of children as
like a metastasising tumour, is truly disgusting. Who, though, was that
"someone" Sir Crispin airily quoted? His name is Paul Ehrlich and he
is a patron, along with Tickell and Sir Jonathon Porritt, among others, of the
Optimum Population Trust, an organisation that campaigns tirelessly for an
organised reduction in human life.
Tickelled Green
Patron of the Optimum Population Trust, neo-malthusian and
miserablist to world governments, Sir Crispin Tickell went head-to-head with
Austin Williams of the Future Cities Project on the question of “are there too
many of us?” on Thursday. BBC Radio 4′s PM program has been featuring the
question all week, leading to some interesting discussion. You can catch the
program here. (It starts about 42 minutes in. And it’s only online for
another week.)
The program’s blog has received a flood of comments from
listeners (or just OPT activists) angered, not by Sir Crispin’s dark gloom,
misanthropy, and pessimism, but by Williams’s challenge to it. It is
interesting that some of the comments seem to reflect the idea that Sir
Crispin’s ideas are radical, when in fact they are very much the establishment
position. It is also interesting to see how challenges to environmental
orthodoxy are met with expressions of outrage. It’s also interesting to note
that, just a few decades ago, the one-child-per-family policy of China is
something that would have been pointed at as an example of the nasty,
controlling authoritarianism of the Chinese Government. Now, it’s something
many aspire to.
The English Environmental
Elite, Global Warming, and The Anglican Church
This Gaia Society is
Sir Crispin's personal contribution to the further religionification of
environmentalism, as it is dedicated to creating a cult around the ideas and
personages of eco-spiritualists James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis
Many British environmentalist are from the ruling class
including Prince Charles, Prince Philip, Viscount Porrtt, Lord Melchitt, Oliver
and Sir Crispin Tickell, George Monbiot, Zak Goldsmith and David de Rothschild.
None of them are left wing.
George Monbiot's father was vice chairman of the right wing
conservative party and a supporter of Margaret Thatcher. Monbiot has said he is
neither socialist or anarchist despite his anti capitalist stance. The Nazis
were virulently anti capitalist too.
Oliver Tickell is in the list of authors. His father is Sir
Crispin Tickell, who was British ambassador to the UN and persuaded Margaret
Thatcher to be the first senior politician to back global warming in a speech
to the UN. He gave George Monbiot a paid position at Oxford University in order
to pursue his activism. It's a class thing.
The Tickells are closely related to the Huxley family
including eugenicist Julan, nobel prize winner Andrew and the literary genius
Aldous who wrote Brave New World. Eugenics is also a class thing.
The underlying commonality between the American 'left' and
the British elite is anti capitalism. They have their money in banking,
invested in Kyoto and Copenhagen free India and China.
As a former aquaintance of the Scottish Green Party
leadership (girlfriend was one of them)who were almost exclusively academics, I
perceived they were driven as much by a contempt of the masses and the mass
market as a love of the environment.
Many leftists are the same. They hate the uneducated right
wing working classes.
The Enemies of Progress: The Dangers of Sustainability"
Ironically, the OPT still thinks that "the greens"
refuse to acknowledge the issue and that the OPT are thinking the unthinkable.
With Jonathon Porritt (patron, OPT) pushing his "Stop at Two"
(two-child policy) and Sir Crispin Tickell (patron, OPT) Sir Crispin Tickell,
suggesting that the desirable UK population should be around 20 million
(currently 60 million). And Paul Erhlich arguing that the global population
would only be sustainable at 1.5 billion (as opposed to the current 6+billion).
Optimum Population Trust: Greens
“hiding from the truth” on population and climate change
By: Optimum Population Trust
Aug. 26, 2009 - James Lovelock, the scientist responsible
for the Gaia theory, today (Wednesday, August 26) describes environmentalists
who campaign on climate change but ignore population growth as irrational,
ignorant or “hiding from the truth”.
Dr. Lovelock, whose appointment as a patron of the Optimum
Population Trust is announced today, said the two environmental problems were
inseparable and called on greens to “recognise the truth and speak out” on the
link between rising human numbers and global warming.*
Hardtalk - James Lovelock - Population reduction (max 1
The man who 'invented' Global Warming
So is AGW the most serious threat facing the world today, so
far as Tickell is concerned? Well, almost. There is one other threat that he
sees as even more urgent than AGW – the human race itself. Specifically, those
feckless, irresponsible classes and nations that continue to breed at more than
the replacement level of 2.1 children (Tickell, it should be noted, has three
children. Considerations of overpopulation do not apply to his class, of course
(1)). For him, overpopulation is the driving force behind AGW: we are a cancer
on the planet. In language which we would normally expect to come from
extremists, Tickell lays out his vision of the rest of the world.
We are, he believes, "a malignant maladaption in the
corpus of living organisms, and behave and reproduce like a virus out of
control" (2). We are "infected tissue in the organism of life"
(3). "More than ever," he writes, "humans can be regarded like certain
species of ant" (5).The only relief from this that Tickell sees on the
horizon is that "it is hard to believe that there will be anything like
current or future human numbers in their present urban concentrations or
elsewhere. Whether weeded out by warfare, disease, deteriorating conditions of
life, or other disasters, numbers are likely to fall drastically. We must, I
believe, expect some breakdowns in human society before the end of this century
with unforeseeable outcomes" (4). That’ll teach us to pollute his nice
clean world!
Of course, Tickell is well aware that in every single
industrialised country, total fertility rates (TFR) have fallen below
replacement levels – in other words in modernised nations population is
declining. The real threat, then, is from the feckless hordes in the less
developed nations. Overpopulation and climate change will, he warns, lead to
refugees from these countries becoming a "prime threat" to Western
society in coming years (3).
For Tickell, these refugees are clearly at the root of his
concerns. They represent a threat to Western culture as they "bring with
them alien customs, religious practices, eating habits, agricultural methods,
and – not least – diseases" (3). Yikes! Those horrible, horrible people!
He warns that environmental refugees "like normal refugees . . . mostly
rely on charity" and worst of all "tend to spread their poverty
around them" (3). Tickell claims that "full assimilation" into
national culture "is rare" and cautions that in the event of rapid
change these refugees would be "only one of myriad animal species trying
to cope with disruption of their [unassimilated] way of life" (3). They
are, he tells us, a "dangerous element" in Western society and their
presence will have "secondary effects" such as "disorder,
terrorism, economic breakdown, disease, or bankruptcy" (3). Remember,
these warnings come from the man largely responsible for putting AGW on the
world political map.
Of course, the real nightmare scenario for Malthusians has
always been not overpopulation per se, but differential fertility, so that the
fecund foreign hordes pour into an under-populated and degenerate West. This is
also a worry for neo-Malthusians such as Tickell as well, it seems. Pointing to
the fact (as he sees it) that illegal Mexican immigration into the USA has led
to many parts of America taking on "Hispanic characteristics", he
foresees a tidal wave of foreigners swarming into the under-populated areas of
the world:
Experts warn: populate and perish
Part 2: Population, climate control, and the
Sir Crispin Tickell, one of the trustees of the Optimum
Population Trust, argued that the UK should reduce its population from the
current 60 million to 25m by 2100! He did not explain how this would be done,
but you can bet that it would include a large dose of authoritarian, racist,
anti-women and anti-working class measures.
November 24, 2009
Optimum Population Trust: seeing what they want to see
Blue-blooded and green
It's no coincidence that many leading greens are privileged:
the upper classes have long harboured a fear and loathing of modern society.
Revenge of the Aristocrats
Sunday, 9 June 2013
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Britannia Radio