A French student named Nicholas has been arrested and held in a police cell for six days just for wearing a sweat-shirt with the banned logo of La Manif Pour Tous.
The LMPT movement stands for man-woman marriage and the right of every child to have a mother and a father. It is a completely peaceful, moral movement yet its symbol - a man, woman and two children holding hands - has been banned by the repressive French socialist government.
The student was arrested along with several others and charged with disturbing the peace just because he was wearing the LMPT sweat-shirt.
He was hand-cuffed, forced into a lorry and transported lying face-down so that he could hardly breathe. He has been kept in prison now for five days and all for simply wearing a sweatshirt that the government doesn't like!This is one of hundreds of instances of violence and brutality by the homo-extremist movement that got control of the French government. It is a violation of HETEROSEXUAL RIGHTS.WE ASSERT THAT HETEROSEXUAL RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS and we denounce all forms of homosexual bullying and tyranny.
A crowd of fifty of his supporters gathered here outside the tribunal to protest against his detention.A sixth-form school named Mademoiselle A was arrested in Paris last Saturday just for wearing a polo-shirt with the LMPT logo on it. She was released after two days, 24 hours before sitting her Baccalaureate exams.Free Nicholas Now! Abolish the Loi Taubira!