Tuesday, 18 June 2013
First lady Michelle Obama claims ritzy digs during Irish visit: The cost of the two-day trip in Ireland and Northern Ireland has been estimated at around $5 million. U.S. taxpayers pay the cost of the first family’s travel.
Detroit City Announces $2.5bn Debt Default: Detroit said it will stop making payment on $2.5 billion of the city’s massive $18.5 billion debt and has asked creditors to accept 10 cents in the dollar of what the city owes them in a bid to avoid the largest municipal bankruptcy filing in US history.
Rotting, Decaying And Bankrupt – If You Want To See The Future Of America Just Look At Detroit: People kept foolishly lending money to the city of Detroit, and now many of them are going to get hit really hard.
Lenders seek court actions against homeowners years after foreclosure: Lenders are filing new motions in old foreclosure lawsuits and hiring debt collectors to pursue leftover debt, plus court fees, attorneys’ fees and tens of thousands in interest that had been accruing for years.
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Britannia Radio