Sunday, 9 June 2013

New Zealand legalises gay marriage

Sunday, 9 June, 2013 19:56

WELLINGTON – Hundreds of jubilant gay-rights advocates celebrated at New Zealand’s parliament as the country became the 13th in the world and 
the first in the Asia-Pacific region to legalise same-sex marriage. 
Guess we're going to have to rename the Anglo-Sphere as the Homo-Sphere 

Anti-gay marriage rebel in bid to oust Cameron claiming PM has lost 'credibility'

Sunday, 9 June, 2013 20:01

Germany to fast-track gay marriage law

Sunday, 9 June, 2013 20:03

The German government wants to push through legislation to put
gay partnerships on the same tax footing as straight marriages before
the summer recess. But adoption rights remain a point of contention.