Sunday, 9 June 2013

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MEMRI - The Middle East Media Research Institute
June 7, 2013

MEMRI TV Weekly - 'Al-Quds Al-Arabi' Editor: OBL Only Half A Terrorist; Tunisian Cleric Praises OBL; Egyptian Cleric: Islamic Law Forbids Greeting Christians On Easter; Egyptian Politicians, Unaware They Are On Air, Threaten Ethiopia Over Dam



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The following are MEMRI TV clips released this past week. To view the clips and read the transcripts, click on the link below the excerpt from each clip. The clips can easily be shared via social media from the MEMRI TV website using the "share" button.

MEMRI TV Clip No. 3859

Abd Al-Bari Atwan, Editor-In-Chief, 'Al-Quds Al-Arabi': Bin Laden Was Only Half A Terrorist

Following are excerpts from an interview with Abd Al-Bari Atwan, editor-in-chief of the London-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi. The interview aired on ON TV on June 2, 2013:
Interviewer: "You are the only Arab journalist who interviewed Bin Laden."
Abd Al-Bari Atwan: "True."
Interviewer: "Don't you consider him a terrorist?"
Abd Al-Bari Atwan: "It depends on your definition of terrorism. If you support the Palestinian resistance, you do not consider it terrorism. But if you are with America, Europe, and Israel, you do consider it terrorism. When I met Bin Laden, he was not a terrorist in the current definition. Then, he was demanding the removal of the U.S. forces from the Arabian Peninsula. He would not say "Saudi Arabia," but "the Arabian Peninsula." He believed that the U.S. forces had come to drive Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait."
Interviewer: "That was back then, but now, in 2013, do you consider Bin Laden a terrorist?"
Abd Al-Bari Atwan: "As I've said, the Americans consider him a terrorist..."
Interviewer: "Do you, Abd Al-Bari Atwan, consider Bin Laden a terrorist?"

MEMRI TV Clip No. 3860

Tunisian Salafi Cleric Khamis Mejri Rejects Democracy And Praises Bin Laden

Following are excerpts from an interview with Tunisian Salafi cleric Khamis Mejri, which aired on Hannibal TV on December 2, 2012 and May 26, 2013:
Interviewer: "You are making use of the inventions of the infidels."
Khamis Mejri: "Yes, we agree on that. There is nothing to prevent this. Just as they have made use of our culture... When Christopher Columbus went to America, he took a Muslim imam – Al-Tirmizi, who was a geographer – to show him the route to America. The West was established only on the civilization of Islam."
Interviewer: "What inventions of our culture is the West using? Camel urine?"
Khamis Mejri: "We have become slaves to them because of the politicians who sold out their religion, and adopted the American, Western, version of religion. They are implementing the agenda of the West. In the days when we took pride in our Islam, we ruled the world, and when we renounced Islam, wanting to impose the Western enterprise on our countries, we became slaves, pawns manipulated by the West according to its will."

MEMRI TV Clip No. 3858

Egyptian Cleric Sheikh Abd Al-Qader Al-Sibai: Islamic Law Forbids Us To Greet Christians On Easter

Following are excerpts from an address by Egyptian cleric Sheikh Abd Al-Qader Al-Sibai, which aired on Al-Hafez TV on May 6, 2013.
Sheik Abd Al-Qader Al-Sibai: "With regard to greeting Christians on Easter or on the Sham Al-Nessim holiday – we must first understand what it means. The Christian faith is entirely different from Islam. The Christians believe, among other things, that Allah has a son. However, Allah denied this is in several places in the Koran."

MEMRI TV Clip No. 3852

Egyptian Cleric Mahmoud Shaaban: Everything Good In Europe Emerged From Islam

Following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian cleric Mahmoud Shaaban, which aired on Tahrir TV on May 14, 2013.
Mahmoud Shaaban: "My dear sir, the entire world has its eyes set upon Islam. We resemble a bad salesman, who has the best merchandise but does not know how to market it. America has its eyes set upon Islam, and so does Italy.
"Let me give you some quick examples. During the Wall Street protests of October 1, 2011 over the financial crisis, banners were raised demanding an Islamic economy. At first, we thought these were Muslims who had infiltrated the demonstrations, but it turned out that they were Jews and Christians, who had conducted research and found that the economic solution lies with Islam."

MEMRI TV Clip No. 3857

Egyptian Blooper: Politicians, Unaware They Are Live On Air, Threaten Ethiopia Over Dam Construction

Following are excerpts from a parliamentary session on the dam crisis between Egypt and Ethiopia, with leading Egyptian politicians, including President Morsi, it was aired on Channel 1, Egyptian TV and was posted on the Internet on June 3, 2013:
Saad Al-Katatni, chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party: "I say loud and clear that all options are available to us, and that we will support all the options, but we must proceed gradually: If diplomacy fails to change the situation, we shall resort to international law, and if this is unsuccessful, we shall resort to any option one can imagine, in order to protect our water security, because for us, water security is a matter of life and death." [...]
Younes Makhioun, chairman of the Al-Nour Party: "We in the Al-Nour party believe that Egyptian agreement to the building of this dam would be a dangerous strategic mistake, because Ethiopia – and Israel and the U.S., which are behind it – would use it as a lethal bargaining chip to pressure Egypt."