Wednesday, 19 June 2013



Rodney Atkinson
So, as in all Orwellian nightmares it is the reporter of crimes who is arrested or persecuted and the real criminals are not even investigated never mind put on trial. Such is the fascist nature of the European Union and of the European Governments which kow-tow to its anti democratic power.
Paul van Buitenen was a senior member of the EU's own Audit Commission when he revealed facts about the £6,000m losses in the EU budget due to fraud and mismanagement. He was threatened by Commission employees and taken to view guns stored on Commission premises - very subtle!
Bernard Connolly, who was Head of the Commission department responsible for working on the introduction of the Euro, and who wrote the book "The Rotten Heart of Europe" was excluded from Commission buildings, his picture was put up in public corridors, he was ordered, illegally, not to leave the country, his phone was tapped, his wife was followed in the street and received many nuisance telephone calls and his house was broken into. In other words a deliberate programme of vicious intimidation by those European Institutions which David Cameron thinks are essential to Britain's future!
Hans Martin Tillack, a Journalist for the German magazine Stern, published material exposing corruption in the European Commission's statistical office, Euro-Stat. Belgian police seized documents and his computer in raids on his home and office in March 2004. The well-known Brussels reporter said he was interrogated for hours without being granted contact with anybody and his treatment sparked worldwide condemnation from media and journalists' organisations. Aiden White of the European Federation of Journalists said: "The commission makes unsubstantiated allegations against a reporter and then gets access to his confidential files which potentially compromise anyone who has talked to him. It is a shocking denial of justice to journalists and their sources". It was not until 2009 that Tillack was eventually exonerated when he was awarded 10,000 Euros damages and 30,000 Euros costs by the Belgian Government. It was not the only time that heavy handed, not to say oppressive, actions of the Belgian Police did the dirty work for the Commission.
Ashley Mote, the former UKIP MEP, who has done much to expose fraud, corruption and illegality in the European Union to a wider audience, had his home raided, his phone and documents taken by the police following the publication of his memoirs "A Mote in Brussels Eye".
Three months later (June 2013) he has heard nothing. No accusations, no arrest, no explanation as to what he might have done wrong. Despite several letters to the Chief Constable and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire he still does not know (In this once free country of the rule of law!):
· Why the raid took place at all
· On what grounds the police were granted a search warrant
· By whom, and at what court the warrant was signed
· Why it referred to "the offences" without explanation, clarification or the use of the qualifying word "alleged"
· Who or what organisation persuaded the police to act
· Why they did not talk to him first, assuming there was anything to talk about
· Why they have kept his mobile phone for so long
· Why they have retained a few papers since early March, none of which can be of any relevance to anyone else, having returned the rest almost immediately
· Why they have refused to answer any questions or explain themselves
Mote writes to me:
In addition to all that, my entirely reasonable questions seeking an explanation of Chief Constable Andy Marsh's prima facie breaches of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 also remain unanswered. So do my questions to Hampshire's newly-elected Police and Crime Commissioner, Simon Hayes, who seems not to have exercised his own responsibilities to challenge the Chief Constable under the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, Section 1(7).
Mote knows his law and so is of course a big threat to the fascist powers of the EU and the extension of those powers through the spineless British Government. All this I warned about in publications since 1989 for the European structures being built were a clear indication of the resurection of those corporatist fascist ideas, economics and politics which we thought we had defeated in 1945. No one in Britain can say they were not warned!
A written question about the police raid on my home was asked in the European Parliament and answered by the Lithuanian Commissioner for "Taxation, Customs, Statistics, Audit and Anti-Fraud", Algirdas Semeta. He denied any knowledge of my affairs since 2010. It is always possible, of course, that he was being economical with the truth, as the European Commission so often is. A letter from my MP Damian Hinds to the Home Secretary was side-stepped by the junior minister Damian Green who took three pages to say I should complain to the Independent Police Complaints Commission. Evasion at every turn.
Mote's "crime" of course is to spend so much time credibly exposing EU corruption something which the pathetic British press, if they still had an ounce of democratic sense would also be exposing and thus defending people like Mote. One of Mote's efforts involved taking
several boxes of carefully documented and thoroughly researched evidence to the Serious Fraud Office (all of which was ignored and dismissed with contempt), to Scotland Yard (ditto), to a committee of the House of Lords (whose europhile chairman chose to turn a blind eye) and numerous MPs on both sides of the House of Commons (who were never able to gather enough support for effective action).
So, as in all Orwellian nightmares it is the reporter of crimes who is arrested or persecuted and the real criminals are not even investigated never mind put on trial. Such is the fascist nature of the European Union and of all the European Governments which kow-tow to its totalitarian power.