Monday 10 June 2013

Monday, June 10, 2013


Egyptian GIRL Dies After Barbaric Islamic 'Circumcision' Surgery

Medieval barbarism in Muslim Brotherhood-run Egypt.

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In non-Arab Turkey, secular middle and working class men and women are rebelling against a regime that is bent on bringing Islamic barbarism back into society's mainstream. Turkey's so-called moderate Islamist prime minister is a solid ally of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood-backed president.

What is most sickening is that the United States, under the Obama administration, is also allied with the Muslim Brotherhood and the Egyptian and Turkish regimes. Covert U.S. support for radical/rightwing political Islam and Islamic fundamentalism and extremism in various forms dates to the 1950s. Barack Obama's contribution has been to make the support overt--in democracy's name.


Assad Threatens 'Strategic' Response to Future IDF Airstrikes

So much for the Assad-is-finished school of thought.

Backed by Iran, Hezbollah, Russia and Iraq, the Syrian dictator is winning his war … and making serious threats to retaliate against Israel, which he accuses of aiding the opposition.

Read more.

A confrontation with Israel would serve Iranian/Hezbollah interests and could also rally Arab opinion in Assad's favor.

The Palestinian/Arab-Israeli conflict has been Islamized and internationalized to dangerous degrees. On its border with Syria, as a result, the Jewish State is presently facing only bad outcomes--Assad's survival with a menacing Iranian presence and possible Russian military involvements or an Al Qaeda-linked Sunni Islamist victory.

Syria should have been lured away from Iran immediately after 9/11. More recently, Syria should have been neutralized, divided and demilitarized with Russian cooperation. It should be in no nation's camp--a federation of autonomous cantons, or provinces, roughly representing the country's main ethnic/religious groups.

Overall, Islamism must be defeated. The West and Russia (and China) should stop dancing with the devils and instead defeat them, utterly, while there is still time….

POSTSCRIPT: Russia is reportedly warning Israel that a Sunni Islamist/Al Qaeda victory in Syria poses a greater threat to Jerusalem than Iran/Hezbollah-backed Assad. Moreover, Russia seems seriously interested in stationing so-called peacekeeping troops in the Golan. It seems just a matter of time before Russian armed units are officially engaged. If and when this happens it will mark the first such time Russia is overtly involved militarily in Syria's defense. Russian special forces and fighter pilots fought for Syria--covertly--in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

The Syrian situation is spiraling out of control. Pro-Sunni Islamist meddling has backfired; potentially catastrophic interventions loom. A regional conflict could trigger a global war.

Which is … insane. One would think the Soviet Union and the Cold War had never ended.

ENDNOTE: Israel isn't about to accept Russia's advice--to be more afraid of a Sunni Islamist takeover of Syria than of a continuation of the current Syrian regime, albeit with increased Iranian involvement in the Arab country.  As awful as it may seem, Islamist chaos and anarchy in Syria is probably preferable, from Israel's perspective, than the rise of another Iran/Hezbollah-dominated neighbor, especially in light of Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile programs. Besides, Russia's advice is self-serving: fearing the spread of Sunni Islamism into restive Russian areas--Syria is driving distance from the Russian border--Moscow clearly believes it can peacefully coexist with Shiite Islamist Iran and its Lebanese, Shiite Islamist proxy, Hezbollah.


Report: Baghdad Bankrolls Regime Side in Syrian Civil War

US-Made Iranian Satellite Steps Up Support for Assad

An exclusive DEBKAfile report--click here to read it--on Iraq's involvement in the internationalized Syrian civil war. 


Turkey's Opposition Leader: PM 'Throwing Society into the Fire'

Turkey … the struggle continues.

Secular Turks are rebelling against a despotic prime minister's Islamizing project.

The protesters see themselves as Ataturk's political heirs. 

Perhaps half the country supports the regime; but its legitimacy has been badly shaken by savage police violence. The regime now rests on tear gas.

Read more.

Foreign Confidential analysts believe PM Recep Erdogan could be planning an all-out assault on demonstrators at key locations.

He appears to also be considering a mobilization of pro-regime mobs and thugs to crush the protests in police-assisted street battles.

Key question: where does the army stand? It is the traditional guardian of Turkey's secular system; but the officer corps has been weakened by purges and arrests.

Sunday, June 09, 2013


Erdogan Escalates Bellicose Rhetoric

Turkey's clerical fascist (Islamist) prime minister is escalating his warlike rhetoric in response to continued protests that have shocked the regime and its craven Western supporters--collaborators in the Islamist onslaught--who have hailed Turkey as a model of oxymoronic "Islamic democracy."

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German Propaganda Channel Downplays Turkey's Secular Revolt

Idiots of Appeasement Acting "Evenhandedly" in Islamism's Interest

Stability Uber Alles?

The West's reaction to events in Turkey has on the whole been disgraceful, ranging from expressions of mild sympathy for the protesters, concern and interest to downplaying and altogether ignoring the secular uprising. The Obama administration clearly supports Turkey's Sunni Islamist regime, regarding it as a model Islamocracy and a useful counter to Shiite Islamist Iran, which, thanks to the administration's abysmally failed foreign policy, is closer than ever to becoming a nuclear armed state. 

Again, one wonders: if the West, which, in democracy's name, enthusiastically embraced the so-called Arab Spring--i.e. Sunni Islamist revolutions--can't now bring itself, after all that has gone so horribly wrong, that is to say, after all the blowbacks, boomeranging and backfiring, to at least indicate unequivocal moral support for a rebellion by secular Muslims, then, what hope is there for the West? Its inherently suicidal tolerance of, support and sympathy for--and, in the case of the Obama administration--actual alliance with radical/rightwing political Islam and overlapping organized Islam seems solidTragically, it could take a wave of Mumbai-style swarming assaults, or, thinking the unthinkable, another, even more horrific mega-attack--meaning, an atomic 9/11--for the West to wake up to the enormity and true nature of the Islamist threat, an enemy unlike any that has menaced humanity since the rise of Nazi Germany. 

One desperately wants to be wrong, naturally. One hopes and prays that as solid as the West's alliance with Islamism seems, it won't take something as horrible as a mushroom cloud over a great city for the perfidious bond to melt into the air. 


Rival Turkish Football Fans Unite Against Islamist Regime

Fierce Rivals Join Forces to Fight for Turkey's Future


Turkey Update: PM Calls Protesters 'Handful of Looters'

Erdogan is defiant, vows to stay in power.

Read more.


Secular Turks Defy Erdogan's Demand to End Protests

Struggle Continues; US Still Stands With Islamist PM

Tens of thousands of Turks … mainly, secular Muslims … are risking their lives and freedom to put an end to the unfolding Islamist nightmare that is, incredibly, supported by the Obama administration. 

Read more.

Saturday, June 08, 2013


Pro-Obama Jewish Groups Supporting Pro-Islamist Power

Smooth Sailing for Samantha? Stage Set for  Confirmation of Pro-Palestinian, Pro-Islamist Interventionist Who Opposes Foreign Policy Based on National Interest and Effective, Peace Preserving Diplomacy

POWER GRAB: The stage is set for armed intervention in Syria. 

Nearly a century after a so-called visionary idealist, Woodrow Wilson, needlessly plunged the United States into the First World War--thus paving the way for Imperial Germany's humiliating defeat and the eventual rise of Hitler and the Nazis--another supposed idealist, Barack Obama, is furthering the Islamist conquest of the Middle East under the twin banners of democracy promotion and humanitarian assistance.

His UN envoy nominee was largely responsible for the unnecessary U.S. intervention in Libya, which resulted in its Islamist takeover, and clearly in favor of Obama's betrayal and abandonment of Egypt's president Hosni Mubarak in order to bring the Muslim Brotherhood to power in the most populous Arab country.

As ambassador to the world body, Samantha Power can be relied upon (a) to undermine Israel's efforts to effectively defend itself against Palestinian and Iranian proxy attacks, and (b) to zealously support U.S./NATO intervention in Syria at the risk of triggering a wider, regional conflict that could easily escalate into a world war.

Prince Otto Von Bismarck once famously and accurately predicted that if and when Europe's longstanding peace was broken, it would be due to “some damned foolishness in the Balkans." Today, it seems increasingly likely that the next global war could start in the Middle East--in Syria, specifically, where a civil war has been internationalized to an extent not seen, arguably, since the conflict that consumed Spain in the 1930s. In contrast with the Spanish Civil War, however, in which the good and evil--i.e. the anti-fascist and fascist--sides were obvious, the Syrian Civil War is a conflict between opposing types of fascism, Sunni and Shiite, with Washington on the Sunni side and Moscow on the Shiite side. No good can come of these interventions.

In the meantime, that important Jewish organizations and individuals long associated with supporting Israel are expressing support for fanatically pro-interventionist--and pro-Islamist--Power is, well, upsetting, to say the least.

Read more.

ENDNOTE: The threat to Israel is complex and rapidly intensifying. Pro-Muslim Brotherhood meddling in Syria on the part of the U.S., Turkey and Saudi Arabia has failed to break the Syrian-Iranian alliance. The Syrian regime is winning its war against the Islamist-led (Al Qaeda-connected) Sunni opposition; and Iranian and Hezbollah forces are now menacing the Golan Heights. It's not hard to imagine an escalating conflict scenario in which Israel would be forced to resort to World War II rules of engagement to prevent the complete rubbling of its population centers by barrages of missiles, including projectiles carrying chemical warheads, fired from towns and villages in Syria and Lebanon. Ensuing civilian casualties could result in Israel's increased isolation and condemnation at the United Nations--and threats of Russian intervention on the side of Israel's enemies. Turning to the U.S. for help, Israel could find the Obama administration's price for backing unacceptably high--namely, a demand that Israel immediately agree to speedily withdraw from all Arab lands captured during its defensive, Six-Day War of 1967, including eastern Jerusalem, plus additional territorial concessions, e.g. construction of a corridor across--as opposed to a highway beneath--the Negev desert, in order to create a contiguous Palestinian state stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River.

-André Pachter
Copyright © 2013 Foreign Confidential 

Related: Power's Journalistic Hits

Also Related: Disastrous Nominations


Erdogan Determined to End Turkish Spring

Iran Fears Possible Persian Spring

Turkey's Sunni clerical fascist (Islamist) prime minister Recep Erdogan and his henchmen are determined to crush the country's secular uprising.

Turkey's Shiite Islamist imperial rival, Iran, is rooting for Erdogan. Iran's fear is that the demonstrations, if allowed to continue, could spread to the mulloahcracy.

In the meantime, the Obama administration has turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the street protests that have threatened to put an end to Erdogan's dictatorial rule and step-by-step Islamizing of Turkey. The administration is pro-Islamist; and Turkey's regime is seen as a model of (oxymoronic) so-called moderate Islamism. 


Turkey-Egypt Alliance Emerging

Islamist Regimes Collaborating and Conspiring

CLERICAL FASCISTS: Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi (l.) and Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Erdogan.

Foreign Confidential has learned that the clerical fascist (Islamist) regimes of Turkey and Egypt are cooperating closely to defeat their common enemy--secular Muslims. The two countries' intelligence and police agencies and political information departments are comparing notes and sharing ideas regarding strategies and tactics.

A new anti-Israel initiative is believed to be in the works. The embattled president of Egypt and prime minister of Turkey are likely to attempt a provocative, headline-grabbing stunt--say, a joint visit to Hamas-ruled Gaza--in order to divert attention from their domestic crises. 

Both rightwing regimes are wholeheartedly backed by the overtly pro-Islamist Obama administration. It considers all Islamists all right to engage (collaborate with) except for Al Qaeda. In Libya and Syria, however, even Al Qaeda-linked and -sympathizing Islamists are regarded as acceptable allies. 

Friday, June 07, 2013


Turkey's Islamist PM Rejects EU Criticism

Turkey's Islamist prime minister remains defiant.

Read more.

Related: Erdogan's Rule Shaken