Monday, 17 June 2013
After Harriet Harman declared that the BBC is the ‘gold standard’ that other broadcasters and media must look to for inspiration and guidance I thought no more could be said about the glorious Beeb…clearly I was wrong, the last open thread is bulging and Brian Sewell’s (H/T George R & Buggy) own assessment rings very true…‘Bollocks…it could be ten times better’……
From the BBC’s From Our Own Correspondent: Phil Goodwin on how war has changed Syria from a hospitable, friendly place into one that’s brutal, paranoid and vicious. Goodwin asks the friend of a dead Syrian Air Force pilot how Syria can be so friendly and yet so brutal at the same time. The answer…… “It’s religion…there’s a beast inside us.” Wonder which religion that might be? I guess in …Continue reading
‘One lesson well understood in both Stalin’s Russia and Nazi Germany was that propaganda is most effective when it is backed by terror.’…Sir Alan Bullock. We refuse even to face it, let alone to stop it. The Met’s head of counter-terrorism said that there had been an increase in reported hate crime in the wake of the Woolwich attack: “Every single incident is horrible but compared with … Continue reading
Harriet Harman spoke and the BBC listened. Harman, Deputy Labour Party Leader, Shadow Deputy Prime Minister, Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport gave her speech last night on capping Media monopoly and the BBC have already started to implement her ideas…capping their news output…by not reporting anything she said. Nothing. Zip. Nada. Zilch. Sweet Fanny Adams. A speech from someone in her position on a subject of unique interest … Continue reading
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Britannia Radio