Sunday, 16 June 2013

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Is Snowden a Whistleblower or a Defector or a Chinese Agent?

Suspicions Fueled by Flight to Hong Kong, Allegations of Spying on China

Is Edward Snowden a hero … or a mole on the run?

Even many people who are alarmed by the former intelligence agency contractor's disturbing revelations are starting to question his motives--and connections.

The timing of his disclosure has also fueled speculation about possibly sinister ties. 

Friday, June 14, 2013


US-Backed Muslim Brotherhood Joins Al Qaeda Call for Syria Jihad

Annihilation of Shiites Urged by Movement Running Obama's New Egypt

The United States seems to be squarely--overtly--on the side of Sunni clerical fascists (Islamists) battling Shiite clerical fascists for control of Syria and much of what President Obama insists on calling "the Muslim world."

Read more.


Japan to Benefit from Russia's Domestic LNG Investments

A surge in LNG supplies will give Japan and other buyers more say at price talks.

Read more.