Wednesday, 26 June 2013


The haredi ‘state within a state’  

It is the moral issue of military conscription and its weighty demands and dangers sustained by our brave soldiers that have brought the place of haredim in society to a critical crisis point.
HAREDI DEMONSTRATORS protest in Jerusalem against performing national service. Photo: Marc Israel Sellem The haredi lifestyle, designed to preserve and protect their conception of traditional Jewish values, rejects the Zionist ethos, the culture contours of general Israeli society, and the integrating, melting-pot process for the “ingathering of the exiles” in the homeland. Moreover, the haredi community as a rule audaciously considers this era of Jewish national restoration in Israel as galut (exile), because the fullness of the sacred and religious themes are not in their view manifestly apparent, though the redemptive return compellingly fulfills biblical prophecy and Divine providence in history.
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The Kurds and the Future of Syria  

The recent announcement by the Obama administration that it intends to provide arms and funds to the Syrian rebels, begs a number of key questions. One such question is why the administration has not been cultivating a democratic and secular alternative to the radical Islamist led rebel camp that hijacked the Syrian revolution. In fact, there is an alternative to the radical Islamist rebels on one hand, and the repressive Assad dictatorship on the other, according to Sherkoh Abbas, President of the Kurdistan National Assembly of Syria (KNAS).
In an interview this reporter had with Sherkoh Abbas on Thursday, June 20, 2013, Abbas stated that it is vital for the U.S. administration to support a federalized Syria, “by establishing a Kurdish Federal region in the North, a Druze region in the Southwest, an Alawite region in western Syria, in addition to a Sunni region in the rest of Syria. If Syria does not become a federal state, two outcomes would emerge from the current ethnic cleansing we are witnessing.
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Assad and Morsi feel the heat  

Western powers prepare to impose no-fly zone over Syria and orchestrate a military coup, a Saudi news website reports
A meeting on the future of Syria held in the Qatari capital Doha leads the headlines of Arab newspapers on Sunday, with reports on a decision to arm the opposition, thereby changing the balance of power on the ground in favor of the rebel forces fighting Bashar Assad.
According to London-based daily Al-Hayat, the 11 foreign ministers who took part in the meeting agreed that reinforcing the balance of power between Assad and his opponents will pave the way for a political outcome to be discussed at the Geneva 2 conference on Syria.
Saudi-owned daily A-Sharq Al-Awsat quotes Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem Al Thani as saying that arming the Syrian opposition is the only way to end the conflict in Syria.
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Hotovely: Annex Judea and Samaria, Pay Demographic Price  

Deputy Transportation Minister MK Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) said on Sunday that it was time that the Israeli government take steps to annex Judea and Samaria, even if it comes with the price of giving citizenship to Arabs residing in these areas. Estimates of the number of Arabs in the area vary from 1.5 to 2.4 million.
Speaking to Arutz Sheva, Hotovely said that offering citizenship to Palestinian Authority Arabs would be a small price pay for ending the status quo which brings international criticism of Israel, viewed as an “occupier” in Judea and Samaria.
“Some think that the way to go is to divide the country. We do not belong to this group,” she said. “Therefore we need to understand that every decision has a price, and therefore if we do not adopt the annexation plan, we will pay the price through pressure and boycotts of Israel and Judea and Samaria.”
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The Arabs are slowly but surely taking over area C.  

Women in Green
There is no vacuum!
We must act with all our energy to apply Israeli Sovereignty over
Judea and Samaria because there is no vacuum!
The Arabs are slowly but surely taking over area C.
Please take the few minutes to read this very important document
(below) written by Regavim (and translated into English as a public
service by Women in Green) detailing the daily take-over of Israeli
controlled area C by the Arabs.
If we will not apply sovereignty, the Arabs will succeed in choking
the Jewish communities that will become like isolated balloons with
strings in a sea of Arabs. The balloons are the Jewish communities in
Judea and Samaria, the strings are the roads. Everything that is
between the communities ­ the hills, the areas, the state lands, that
are the oxygen needed for the survival of the communities, are G-d
forbid being taken over by the Arabs. That will stop the Jewish
continuity and will prevent the communities from growing and
expanding. That is how, de facto, quietly, the Arabs are trying to
establish a Palestinian State that will threaten the entire Israel.
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America sidelined, barely relevant  

There he vowed energetic measures against global warming (“the global threat of our time”). The16-year pause of this warming was not predicted by, and is not explained by, the climate models for which, in his strange understanding of respect for science, he has forsworn skepticism.
Regarding another threat, he spoke an almost meaningless sentence that is an exquisite example of why his rhetoric cannot withstand close reading: “We may strike blows against terrorist networks, but if we ignore the instability and intolerance that fuels extremism, our own freedom will eventually be endangered.” So, “instability and intolerance” are to blame for terrorism? Instability where? Intolerance of what by whom “fuels” terrorists? Terrorism is a tactic of destabilization. Intolerance is, for terrorists, a virtue.
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel