Thursday, 27 June 2013

Thursday, June 27, 2013


US Arming Islamist-Dominated Syrian 'Rebels'

Allies of Car Bombers and Cannibals Getting Guns

Afghanistan and Libya all over again….

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning President's administration is intervening in Syria's civil war, even though an overwhelming majority of Americans want no part of the conflict. 


Turkey Seeks Tighter Control of Twitter; US Still Supprots Regime

Turkey's clerical fascist regime is cracking down on social media--Twitter, in particular.

Read more.

Sadly, the regime is still supported by the Obama administration. The administration regards Turkey's so-called moderate Islamist prime minister as a model for "the Muslim world."

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Surprise Pullout by Russia from Syria Naval Base

Moscow Abandons Tartus 

Russia's sudden withdrawal from its naval installation at the port of Tartus is significant.

Read more.

On the one hand, the pullout seems statesmanlike--aimed at avoiding a potentially catastrophic clash with the United States or NATO or Israel. On the other hand, the withdrawal could signal an assumption that the Syrian civil war is about to blow up--regionally.


IAF Fought North Korean MiGs in Yom Kippur War

Now it Can be Told … 

North Korea deployed a MiG squadron to fight for Egypt against Israel during the Yom Kippur War.

Another secret from the 1973 conflict: Soviet and Cuban "advisers" fought for Syria. 


Syria Briefing Video


Regime Forces Retake Syrian Border Town

Civil War Death Toll Tops 100,000

Assad's forces appear to be winning the civil war.

Read more.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Why the Proposed 21st Century Marshall Plan is DOA

European Leaders are Bent on Austerity, Class Warfare 

A new Marshall Plan for Europe?

Dead on arrival.

Globalizing the New Deal?

A non-starter.

The elites are bent on upward wealth transference, impoverishing the working and middle classes in the name of economic reform and competitiveness.

Read more.


South Koreans Investing Huge Sums in Overseas Real Estate

Fear of Renewed Conflict With North Fuels Capital Flight 

South Koreans are moving money into commercial real estate--overseas. 

Read more.


Lynchings and Chaos in Islamist-Ruled Egypt

Springtime for Sunni Fanatics, Winter for Everyone Else

Bloodthirsty mobs are commonplace in the new, Muslim Brotherhood-ruled Egypt. 

Monday, June 24, 2013


Turkey Aiming for Advanced Laser Weapons

Islamist Regime Developing Death Rays

Turkey's clerical fascist rulers want laser weapons.