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Audio: British Imam submits to… Robert Spencer?
by Shoebat Foundation on June 25, 2013 in Blog, General
During a debate between Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch and a British Imam on BBC Radio, the host asked Spencer to cite verses from the Qur’an he objected to. Upon doing this, the Imam was asked to rebut Spencer’s citations. The Imam’s initial response had nothing to do with the question but the host didn’t let him off the hook.
It gets good at about the 5:00 mark. When the Imam cannot cite verses, the host responds…
Host: Well, you ARE an Imam.
Imam: I understand that but Robert Spencer…
Host: …He’s (Spencer) NOT an Imam.
Imam: Yeah, but this is his field.
Host: Islam is YOUR field, surely!
Via BNI:
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