Saturday, 29 June 2013

Seen Elsewhere


Does this Government Care About Middle Class Families?

Guido knew that the structure of marginal tax rates following a decade of Brown’s insidiously stealthy taxation and redistribution was malformed. How malformed was only driven home after reading a note from the Centre for Policy StudiesIt is obscene how this government has punitively taxed the middle classes…
The CPS use a simple not atypical example of a married man with two children, who has no savings or investment income, and no student loans. Factoring in allowances and changes to child benefit, his marginal rates will be as above. A middle-class single income family with 2 children and the father earning £50,001 will have a marginal tax rate of 59.5%. That means he works to provide for the state Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and only begins to provide for his wife and children on Thursday and Friday. You don’t have to be a fully paid-up member of the Taxpayers’ Alliance to think that is far too much.
Next year will be the thirtieth anniversary of Nigel Lawson’s 1984 Tax Reforms. George Osborne says he is Lawsonian, if the Chancellor wants a legacy and the gratitude of the electorate, simpler, flatter, fairer taxeswould be the right thing to do. It might win back the middle classes at the ballot box as well…

Saturday Seven Up

FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2013

Two-Faced Chuka Talks to Himself

great spot from Iain Martin this afternoon. Two-faced Chuka gets on his high horse in the Indy to tell us we need to “have a conversation with ourselves” about using supermarkets like Tesco that destroy our high streets, that “we haven’t stopped and thought” about the consequences.Before admitting he shops at Tesco himself.
The hypocrisy doesn’t stop there. Chuka campaigns against a new Tesco being built in his own Streatham constituency, though that hasn’t stopped him from welcoming the development of the new Streatham Hub:
“The Streatham Hub will be fantastic for our area. People have been waiting for the Hub for a very long time and I’m incredibly glad at the progress that has finally been made. Some people questioned whether the development of the Hub would ever happen but now it’s clear that this project will be delivered. It will make a huge difference to our area, be a great facility for local people and it should bring a lot of new trade for local businesses as well.”
Provided by – that’s right – his local TescoTextbook Harrison…

Mandarin’s Mouthpiece Tanks

Sue Cameron’s unrivalled sources were adamantlast week, telling the civil service toady that “at least two ministers” have written to Francis Maude “telling him to get his tanks off their lawns when it comes to centralising procurement”. Which is all well and good apart from the fact that awkwardly for Sue, Philip Hammond then announced an “innovative deal”between the MoD and the Cabinet Office to centralise procurement, in this mesmerising grey-on-grey video. The Ministry literally in charge of tanks inviting Maude’s tanks onto its lawn then. Mis-fire!

Putting Final Touches to the Sun Column

Berger’s Climate Change Whopper

“David Cameron hasn’t spoken about climate change for three years” screeches the headline of Luciana Berger’s particularly weak piece for theStaggers today. Just the one problem: she is talking complete rubbish. Obviously a quick Googleof “David Cameron climate change” was beyond poor old Luciana, so Guido thought he would help her out. According to They Work For You it turns out Dave has mentioned climate change 32 times in Hansard over the last three years. Hopefully Luciana will learn the lesson of getting your headline right. Rather than chasing headlines and forgetting facts…

Another Labour MP Caught in Union Cash Merry-Go-Round

Last week Guido reported how Luciana Berger was charging the taxpayer thousands of pounds for her constituency office rent while working out of a building owned by a union that donates to the Labour Party. NowMandrake has caught Geoffrey Robinson, he of Mandy scandal fame, doing exactly the same thing:

This is a scam used by Labour MPs to, perfectly legally, funnel taxpayer cash to a donor who then gives money back to the party. If the Tories did the equivalent, claiming taxpayers’ money to pay rent to a private donor who then gave money back to the party, it would be a major scandal. How many other Labour MPs are doing this and getting away with it?

UKIP Voters Back Boris

The public don’t yet trust Boris to be PM, so says some pretty comprehensive polling released by Lord Ashcroft this morning. Only just over a third said he was capable of the running the country, while Tory voters overwhelmingly backed Dave. The UKIP results are arguably the most interesting. 35% of UKIP voters saying they would consider voting Tory if Boris were leader. Tory backbenchers must be wondering just how many would come home…

Red Balls: Too Far, Too Fast, Too Often

20130628-084005.jpgEd Balls – well, his lawyer – has been up in front of the magistrates yet again, pleading guilty to his third road offence in three years. Readers will remember how Balls ‘fessed up to being ordered to attend a speed awareness course in April, now our lawless Shadow Chancellor been done for running a red light outside Parliament. And he has the nerve to call Dave zippy…