Separating Fact From Fiction
World’s media lament decline in freedom
“bigger than phone hacking”
Monday, 29 July 2013
The BBC has been hailing the efforts of John Kerry in the past few days as he cobbles together another doomed set of “peace talks” in the middle east between Israel and Palestinians. The BBC have been pontificating about the tough choices that BOTH sides have had to make to even get this far. On examination (mine!) this reduces down to Israel releasing 100 Palestinian criminals (bad call, btw) and … Continue reading
When it comes to the ongoing friction between Spain and Gibraltar, and in particular the current bully boy tactics used by the Spanish Government to inconvenience Gibraltarians crossing the border, it will be interesting to see the BBC approach. I thought this was a pretty fair commentary on it but am aware that Today are covering it later this morning and one can’t help but feel rather in the Argentina/Falklands … Continue reading
BBC Sunday Morning Live was particularly appalling this morning. The lead debate asked whether whether Muslims were being demonised. We had Mehdi Hasan asking the question and talking over everybody else. We had Anne Atkinson who agreed Muslims were being demonised and Douglas Murray who opined that they weren’t. We had Fiyaz Mughal, from Tell Mama, lined up to back the meme but when the poll result came in, once again … Continue reading
The BBC reports that Biased BBC has another ally in the war against misinformation and media manipulation: So many faked images are circulating in Egypt that Facebook sites have been set up with the goal of separating fact from fiction, writes BBC Monitoring’s Dina Aboughazala. The sheer volume of disinformation has led to the creation of verification pages on Facebook, such as Da Begad? – or Is This … Continue reading
From the BBC: World’s media lament decline in freedom ….but not a single mention of Leveson and the huge opposition to his conclusions and the attempts to railroad the Press into being ‘regulated’ by those honest custodians of our freedom…the politicians….and the BBC and its cohort of drug and booze addled, sexually liberated celebrities who wish to remain anonymous.
This is a look at what the papers say…from the BBC’s ‘Editor’s choice’: The Independent also claims to have gained access to confidential information. It says it has seen a secret list – passed to a parliamentary committee – on the activities of big corporations like banks and pharmaceutical firms. The paper alleges that companies from two of the country’s biggest industries have hired private investigators to unlawfully … Continue reading
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