A selection of recent media reports
Britain needs seven million migrants over the next 50 years to help keep down national debt levels, according to the officia
Express & Star (18-Jul-2013)
THE SPIRALLING cost of pensions, health and social care for the elderly mean the UK faces tens of billions of pounds in s
City A.M. (18-Jul-2013)
Britain needs seven million migrants over the next 50 years to help keep down national debt leve
The Huffington Post (United Kingdom) (18-Jul-2013)
BRITAIN will have to let in around seven million immigrants over the next 50 years to pay for its ageing popu\u00ADlation, th
Express.co.uk (18-Jul-2013)
140,000 extra immigrants to the UK are needed every year until 2063 Offi
Mail Online (17-Jul-2013)
The number of appeals lodged by immigrants against decisions to remove them from the country rose more than 40% y
Herald Scotland (17-Jul-2013)
0 View comments The job of leading the judiciary was handed ye
Mail Online (17-Jul-2013)
A CHILLING foretaste of the threat to Britain of mass immigration from Romania and Bulgaria has come in a shock report fro
Express.co.uk (17-Jul-2013)