Friday 19 July 2013

About Patrick Wood
Editor of Findings & Forecasts and TheAugust Forecast and Review, Wood is an expert on international economics, globalization and finance. He is co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington with the late Antony C. Sutton.

A Special 2 Hour Message for the Church, on DVD. Addresses Transhumanism, Technocracy, Scientism and the book of Revelation..
Dear Friend,

As I was looking at "Trayvon/Zimmerman" protest pictures from all over the country, I noticed that many of them had web site addresses (URLs) printed at the bottom of the posters carried by the angry protestors. So, I opened my browser and went to investigate.

I was shocked at what I found - hard core Marxist/communist revolutionaries who are seeking the overthrow (violent or otherwise) of the United States. Really?

Well, read this article, look at the pictures, follow the links to each organization and see for yourself!

Of course, Trayvon has nothing whatsoever to do with this - his memory is just being shamelessly used to further the communist revolution.

For the sake of our fellow citizens and beloved nation, would you please spread this article around? Use email, social media, print and hand it out, whatever. To date, I have not seen anyone else who has made these connections!

Best Regards,

Patrick Wood, Editor
Our mailing address is:
The August Corporation
P.O. Box 21269
MesaAZ 85277