Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Baroness Ashton's 500-strong army of EU chauffeurs (including one who is paid £62,000 a year) EU's diplomatic service now employs almost 500 drivers to ferry officials between meetings

Another reason the EU must be destroyed.

Baroness Ashton's 500-strong army of EU chauffeurs (including one who is paid £62,000 a year)

  • EU's diplomatic service now employs almost 500 drivers to ferry officials between meetings
  • The most expensive vehicle bought for the diplomatic service cost £182,695
  • Baroness Ashton, who is paid a salary of more than £250,000 as well as lavish expenses, is the highest paid female politician in the world
  • She also enjoys the use of a bulletproof car with two chauffeurs, and a lavish grace-and-favour home in Brussels
PUBLISHED: 00:36, 3 July 2013 UPDATED: 07:43, 3 July 2013

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