Toys out of the pram – angry BBC attacks Zimmerman lawyer
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Yes unemployment has dropped, yes the economy shows signs of positive growth, BUT — having listened to the BBC PM programme this evening on the way home from work there is a two word agenda for the day … yes, Lynton Crosby! BBC proving itself an echo of Labour party talking points!
It’s funny the little differences that can occur between the BBC’s web based version of a story and their radio coverage. On the web, the BBC proclaims that the House of Commons Committees on Arms Export Controls is questioning the validity of arms export licences to to countries with “questionable” human rights. These include China, Iran and Saudi. But on the TODAY Programme, they managed to also thrown on ISRAEL. … Continue reading
It seems the butthurt is deep at the BBC over the Zimmerman verdict. Using the topic of celebrity lawyers as a hook, the BBC’s Tara Mckelvey has penned a hit-piece portraying Zimmerman lawyer Mark O’Mara as a self-serving celebrity-craving huckster using up his 15 minutes of fame to foment anger: “Zimmerman’s lawyer raises profile – and incites rage” You won’t find BBC articles on the Zimmerman trial questioning the race-baiting … Continue reading
Posted by Britannia Radio at 19:49