Sunday 28 July 2013

Blame EU Sanctions on Obama  

In its recent decision to impose sanctions on Israeli activity across the pre-1967 lines, EU bureaucracy is merely acting as a pawn, albeit neither unwitting nor unwilling, for malicious domestic forces within Israel.
It is indeed not a simple matter for me as an Israeli citizen to call on foreign governments…faith-based organizations, unions and citizens to suspend cooperation with Israel. I am convinced that outside pressure is the only answer. I consequently have decided to support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement that was launched by Palestinian activists.
– Neve Gordon, “Boycott Israel,” Los Angeles Times, August 20, 2009
It’s difficult and painful, almost impossibly so, for an Israeli to call for such a boycott…The change won’t come from within. Change will only come from the outside. The call for an economic boycott has become a patriotic requirement.
– Gideon Levy, “The Israeli patriot’s final refuge: boycott,” Haaretz, July 16, 2013
(Read more…)

Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel