Brain Dead or Cerebral Impairment?
Paul Eidelberg
Are those who speak of "Brain Dead on the Right" suffering from cerebral impairment?
They seem to be unaware that you can't declare Jewish sovereignty over Judea and Samaria (as they wish) without abrogating Oslo; and you can't abrogate Oslo without casting the gravest aspersions on Rabin, Peres, Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, Sharon, Olmert, and again Netanyahu--the PMs who initiated and perpetuated Oslo. AND who therefore are, or can arguably be held responsible for, the 1,600 Jews who perished as a result of Oslo.
Such a "revelation" would collapse the State of Israel. To be more precise, the reasons one sets forth--and must set forth--to justify abrogation of Oslo TODAY have been operative EVERY DAY since September 13, 1993 when Oslo was signed on the White House lawn. Once this is made public, the family of any victim of Oslo may challenge Bibi: "Hey, Bibi, where have you been all these years while Israel was soaking in Jewish blood? Didn't you know the truth about Oslo when you signed the Wye Memorandum to implement Oslo?"
So what is Eldad and Haetzni blabbering about--calling for Jewish sovereignty over Judea and Samaria? Are they suffering from encephalitis? Don't they realize that the state of Israel would collapse like a deck of cards if the treachery of Oslo was made public? Don't they see that a political revolution—hence a new system of government--would be required to abrogate Oslo?
Or can it be that they are also wedded to the SYSTEM that produced Oslo? It was this SYSTEM that produced the Rabin government in an election that was arguably a coup d’état -- a coup which the present writer tried, in vain, to bring to the attention of the Editor-in-Chief of the Jerusalem Post?
As I have said year after year, at stake here is not simply an easy-to-denounce POLICY issue. No, at stake is a REGIME issue. But who has the guts to open up this can of worms?
A Manifesto For A New Nationalist Camp
Prof. Paul Eidelberg
In June 2009, the Likud-led Government of Binyamin Netanyahu endorsed the creation of a Palestinian state without a national commission of inquiry and with Knesset or public debate. This high-handed and arbitrary decision was simply following the path of Likud leader Ariel Sharon, a reputed nationalist.
Sharon, let is recall, won a landslide victory over Labor in the 2003 election, when 70 percent of the voters rejected Labor’s policy of unilateral disengagement even from Gaza, let alone from Israel’s heartland in Judea and Samaria.
Since the Likud has repeatedly betrayed the nationalist camp, and since Israel Beiteinu has also endorsed a Palestinian state, it’s obvious that patriotic citizens of Israel—I mean religious and non-religious citizens who have not sacrificed their moral integrity—must form a New Nationalist Camp.”
It requires no great wisdom to define the character of a New Nationalist Camp. Required is not only the abrogation of Oslo, but the following axiomatic principles:
1. Public affirmation that Israel is the Republic of the Jewish people.
2. Public affirmation that this Republic derives its principles and values from the Torah.
3. Public explanation that this Republic is equivalent to a “Normative” as opposed to a “Normless” democracy. (A “Normless” democracy is one in which freedom and equality lack ethical rational constraints—the tendency of American democracy.
The leaders of the New Nationalist Camp must acknowledge these axioms. Having done so, they must then go on to expose those basic flaws in Israel’s political and judicial institutions that make an authentic Jewish Republic impossible. These flaws, which are largely responsible for Israel’s disasters and humiliations, should be publicized throughout the country:
1. The dictatorial concentration of power in the Executive Branch. An Israeli prime minister can (a) make agreements with foreign states and even criminal organizations without consulting his cabinet, hence without Knesset or public debate; (b) dispose of the land of the Jewish People; (c) release Arab terrorists who have murdered or maimed Jewish men, women, and children; (d) ignore the abiding convictions of those who elected him to office.
2. The impotence of the Legislative Branch. Lacking constituency or regional elections, the Knesset Members composing the ruling coalition are subservient to party leaders in the Cabinet and are therefore incapable of exercising independent judgment vis-à-vis government policies. Conversely, citizens lack the power to influence government policies via their own personally elected representatives.
3. The undemocratic as well as unJewish character of the Judicial Branch. The appointment of Supreme Court judges is dominated, de facto, by the Court’s President whose judicial orientation may or may not be consistent with the abiding convictions of the Jewish people. Moreover, the judicial orientation of the judges does not undergo any public scrutiny.
4. The grotesque Electoral System. Proportional representation, especially with a low electoral threshold, multiplies parties, undermines national unity, fragments the Government, and renders the latter incapable of developing coherent and resolute national policies. Since no party under this system has ever formed a government, the majority of the public is invisible and has been effectively disempowered.
. 5. The lack of a clear, concise, and coherent body of fundamental laws, i.e., a Constitution with which to educate youth and thereby promote civic virtue and national unity.
The Jews of Israel have only two alternatives: preserve their dysfunctional and treacherous political system, or establish a New Nationalist Camp as defined above. Without such a Nationalist Camp, Israel will limp along from crisis to crisis until it collapses.◙