Thursday, 25 July 2013

 Weekly Commentary: Obama hurts Abbas – 3 comments on talks

Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 25 July 2013

#1.  Obama hurts Abbas

Everyone involved knows that Abbas could have agreed to renewed talks with 
his head held high if the event was marked by the release of all the 
pre-Oslo terrorists in a single release.

And everyone involved knows the Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu can 
release all of these murderers in exchange for the immediate release of 
Jonathan Pollard.

Add to all this: everyone involved knows that President Obama can release 
Pollard with literally the stroke of his pen – this when he can readily 
explain the move as a matter of justice, taken after due consideration of 
the many learned appeals for Pollard that he has received.

Instead Mahmoud Abbas finds himself "nickel and diming" with the Americans – 
even after Kerry's conditional announcement last Friday - as he seeks a way 
to join the talks without jeopardizing his own shaky future.

#2.  Interim arrangement shouldn't mean interim withdrawals

Many Israeli observers are suggesting that this round of talks, if it does 
take place, cannot be expected to conclude with a final status agreement but 
instead with some interim arrangement.  The withdrawal supporters, as can be 
expected, are already arguing that Israel will have to reward Abbas with 
various withdrawals in order to make the interim arrangement palatable.

Withdrawals would be a terribly shortsighted mistake as they only set the 
stage for more interim withdrawals another year two down the road.

There are arrangements that would be welcomed by the Palestinian street that 
have nothing to do with Israeli withdrawals.

+ Investments in infrastructure to expedite Palestinian movement both 
between Palestinian locations and transit that involves passing though 
Israeli areas.

+ Extension of service hours for Israeli authorities that interface with 

+ Streamlining the procedures for Palestinian import/export through Israeli 

+ And if we want to do something truly radical and dramatic: assigning a 
terminal at Ben Gurion Airport that specifically handles traffic to and from 
the PA complete with an arrangement for early check in at locations in 
Ramallah, Bethlehem, Nablus and Hebron so that Palestinians can board a 
shuttle service to the airport. A shuttle service, by the way, that would 
enable Palestinians to travel via the "Palestinian terminal" without needing 
a permit to be in Israel.

#3. Oversight in war-making absent in peace-making

It is hardly perfect oversight, but the members of an elite special Knesset 
subcommittee with top security clearance are aware of pretty much every 
defense related plan and operation.

In sharp contrast, there is no oversight mechanism for “peace making” 

And the absence of oversight can lead to a lot of mistakes – both technical 
and otherwise.

This is not conjecture.

For example, almost every time, in the course of Oslo, that maps were drawn 
in secret major, glaring errors were discovered after the fact and the fluid 
nature of the process made ex-post corrections possible.  This may not be 
the case with final status maps bearing the initials of the parties.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis) (Mail 
POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-7255730