Friday 19 July 2013

Detroit becomes largest US city to file for bankruptcy

'Detroit has become the largest US city ever to file for bankruptcy, with debts of at least $15bn (£10bn).
The city, once a symbol of US industrial power, is seeking protection from creditors who include public-sector workers and their pension funds. Unions described the bankruptcy filing as a power grab.'

Who Killed Detroit City and Why?

'The globalists murdered Detroit through the various free trade agreements. Through NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, American auto manufacturing were free to ship their factories overseas in search of near slave labor markets. The passage of these free trade agreements made it possible to hire foreign slave laborers and without the now prohibited tariffs on imports, the globalist controlled corporations could ship slave labor manufactured products back into the United States.
Our government failed to protect manufacturers and the net effect is that we are beginning to see third world conditions inside of the United States in cities such as Detroit and it is spreading like wildfire. Since the 1970′s, America has lost 86% of its manufacturing jobs. Actually, the Globalists have been trying to get rid of American tariffs for 100 years in the name of free trade. Look up the Payne-Aldrich Tariff, it is part of our history. A year later, we got the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and then real fun began in earnest.'