Energy: the hypocrite speaks again
Speaking on his new LBC 97.3 Ask Boris radio show, Johnson said shale gas was the best answer to the problem of Britain's looming energy shortages. He dismissed the Government's efforts to replace closing coal stations with wind power and nuclear, arguing shale gas offers the best opportunity for a secure supply.
"Labour put in a load of wind farms that failed to pull the skin off a rice pudding", he said. "We now have the opportunity to get shale gas - let's look at it. It is part of the 2020 vision we have for this city - power generation is vital".
Yet this is the very same Boris who in August 2008 introduced London's first Climate Adaptation Strategy. In his foreword (above), he declared:
Our climate is changing. This strategy starts the process of planning in detail for how our great city must adapt to these changes. If we don't make the necessary changes then many Londoners' quality of life will gradually deteriorate, we may fail to capitalise on some of the benefits that the changing climate will bring and we will be poorly prepared for the more extreme and damaging weather that science says we must expect in future.Then said Boris:
Climate change, said Boris, gave "opportunities for renewable energy" and, he said, the "longer growing seasons, more cloud-free days and potentially windier winters may benefit the generation of renewable energy through biomass, wind turbines, photovoltaic and solar thermal arrays".
Thus we were told, "the Mayor's commitment to reducing carbon emission by 60 percent by 2025 through increased energy efficiency, use of decentralised energy and renewable energy will improve London's energy security".
And now, he dismisses the Government's efforts to replace closing coal stations with wind power and nuclear, arguing shale gas offers the best opportunity for a secure supply. It really is quite amazing what a difference a few years make.
Richard North 03/07/2013