Thursday 4 July 2013

Former Jordanian Parliament Chairman Al-Dughmi: The U.S. Has An Economic Interest In The Destruction Of Middle East Countries

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Special Dispatch|5348| July 4, 2013

Former Jordanian Parliament Chairman Al-Dughmi: The U.S. Has An Economic Interest In The Destruction Of Middle East Countries


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Following are excerpts from an interview with former Jordanian parliament chairman Abd Al-Karim Al-Dughmi, which aired on NBN TV on June 3, 2013:

"Israel Is The Enemy Creating All These Problems For Us... If Not For That Cancer, We Would Have Been Better Off Than The Western European Countries"

Abd Al-Karim Al-Dughmi: "Jordan was established on a pan-Arab nationalist basis. The first, second, and third prime ministers were a Druze, a Syrian, and a Lebanese. We had Syrian and Lebanese officials. We are pan-Arab nationalists."
Interviewer: "And Israel is everybody's enemy... "
Abd Al-Karim Al-Dughmi: "Exactly. My compass points only at Jerusalem. Israel is the enemy creating all these problems for us. If not for that cancerous..."
Interviewer: "It is in Israel's interest for the Arab world to be in all this trouble..."
Abd Al-Karim Al-Dughmi: "If not for that cancer, we would have been better off than the Western European countries." [...]

"The U.S. Has Always Had An Interest In Destroying... The Middle East... There Are Many Reasons For This, One Of Which Is Economic"

"The U.S. has always had an interest in destroying the Third World, and the Middle East in particular. As I've told you, the U.S. merges with Israeli positions. There are many reasons for this, one of which is economic. American companies are needed for the rebuilding [of destroyed countries].
"Therefore, the destruction of this region is in the interest of the U.S."
Interviewer: "Yes."
Abd Al-Karim Al-Dughmi: "In addition, it is in the interest of the U.S. not to have any anti-[American] or anti-Israeli country in the region. In the eyes of the U.S., any such country must be destroyed and done away with.
"Jordan is an American ally and has good ties with the U.S., but are the intentions of the U.S. towards Jordan pure? No, they are not."
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