Gove Denies Boris Was in Drunk In Charge | Speccie
Claire Perry Doesn’t Understand How the Internet Works | Buzzfeed
Claire Perry Goes on Holiday | Gazette and Herald
Anti-Porn MP Slathered With Porn | Register
Technologically Illiterate MP Threatens Blogger | BoingBoing
Claire Perry Porn Spat | BBC
Legalise Ecstasy to Save Lives | Economist
Guido to Commence Proceedings Againt Claire Perry | Guardian
Claire Perry Porn Embarrassment | Tech Week Europe
IoD Attacks Dangerous “Help to Buy” Plan | Left Foot Forward
Cameron’s Porn Adviser Claire Perry Threatens Guido | Unity
Claire Perry Doesn’t Understand How the Internet Works | Buzzfeed
Claire Perry Goes on Holiday | Gazette and Herald
Anti-Porn MP Slathered With Porn | Register
Technologically Illiterate MP Threatens Blogger | BoingBoing
Claire Perry Porn Spat | BBC
Legalise Ecstasy to Save Lives | Economist
Guido to Commence Proceedings Againt Claire Perry | Guardian
Claire Perry Porn Embarrassment | Tech Week Europe
IoD Attacks Dangerous “Help to Buy” Plan | Left Foot Forward
Cameron’s Porn Adviser Claire Perry Threatens Guido | Unity

Old Chinese proverb says:
He who seeks vengeance must dig two graves
LabourList Brings Blairite Benjamin Wegg-Prosser Onboard

LabourList are “proudly sponsored” by the GMB, CWU, Unite and Unison, though in April they added one Benjamin Wegg-Prosser to their ranks as a Managing Partner. Wegg-Prosser is a Mandelson protégé who went on to become Tony Blair’s Director of Strategic Communications, famously drafting the “leaving the stage with the crowd wanting more“ memo. He is currently also the managing partner of Global Counsel, Mandy’s lobbying firm. If there is a coming battle for the heart and soul of the Labour Party, controlling the most popular Labour-affiliated website is a smart move…
Unison’s Role in the NHS Crisis

“Statistical analysis performed showed a high correlation between in-patient to staff ratio and a high hospital standardised mortality rates score. When the review teams visited the hospitals, they found frequent examples of inadequate numbers of nursing staff in some ward areas.”

East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust has three full time Pilgrims, costing £61,000 per year. Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has 2.45 “full time equivalents” at the cost of £100,000, while Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals have one and half as do the George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust. Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust are spending £14,000, while Burton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, £17,000. Guido presumes that hospitals that do not hold the data have a similar level of trade union activity blocking front-line care. There are not enough nurses, so why is the NHS subsidising Unison members to take part in political activity rather than doing their jobs? The trade union is complicit in this crisis.
Select Committee Recess Date to Slam Lobbying Bill

Dave’s Lobbying Bill covering just 1% of lobbyists was never going to get through smoothly. Now Graham Allen MP, chair of the Political and Constitutional Reform Select Committee, has got all shouty about the government “mishandling the bill and treating Parliament with disrespect”. He says they have been “slothful” and “there is no legislative scrutiny”, calling the MPs on his committee to meet during recess to take further evidence so they can “fill the gap”.
It is obviously a party political hijacking of the select committee by Labour but to be fair they do have a point. Under Dave’s legislation lobbyists won’t have to disclose clients if they limit meetings to SpAds and civil servants and in-house lobbyists are exempt too. Which means a huge amount of the type of lobbying that needs most scrutiny has been let off entirely. Cue amendments when Parliament is back in September…
McCluskey Rants at Mail Editor Paul ‘Dackery’
Red Len has lost it with Mail editor Paul Dacre, or as he awkwardly pronounced it ‘Dackery’, in spectacular fashion during a live webcast to Unite members:
Other gems included an emotional McCluskey confirming he expects to be able to buy policy from the Labour Party, claiming unions have been “taken for granted by people who take our money but don’t want our policy input”. As Guido has been reporting for years…
Promoting the mother of your lovechild to be your Political Director is definitely not sleazy, eh Len.“My message to Paul Dackery (sic) is clear. We know you are sleazy bullies. We know you love to kick the poor while you lick the boots of the rich. We know you loathe women in public life. But if you think you will break the unions you are as stupid as your predecessors who said hooray for the blackshirts”.
Other gems included an emotional McCluskey confirming he expects to be able to buy policy from the Labour Party, claiming unions have been “taken for granted by people who take our money but don’t want our policy input”. As Guido has been reporting for years…
A special guest who somewhat stood out from the crowd:

If they ask Nigel Farage about his offshore tax arrangements he can just ask them about theirs…

If they ask Nigel Farage about his offshore tax arrangements he can just ask them about theirs…
Tags: Farage, Guardian, Media Guido