Heart Of The Matter
From Swings To Roundabouts
Licence To Bill
Ignore Something Long Enough And It Will Go Away
The BBC….Just Slow or Wilful Blindness?
False Flags
Oh Dear
BBC Trust Impartiality Review
“If you complain, you get blacklisted”
BBC environment correspondent in the Greenpeace camp (literally)
The Dark Arts
Friday, 5 July 2013
Heart Of The Matter.............FALKIRK
Via Jihad Watch Don’t know what you might make of this BBC report…but to me it seems the BBC has lost its moral compass in the search for a ‘scoop’. A heart warming human interest story? An explanation of an atrocious, murderous act? Just something to fill the web pages up with a gruesome tale from the war in Syria? Who knows what the BBC’s Paul Wood thought he was … Continue reading
Poor BBC. The Falkirk debacle presents them with a problem. On the one hand, we all know that Miliband is in situ thanks to the votes of the Unions, but on the other hand, BBCt have to pretend that big brave Ed will stand up to Red Len and, as the BBC analyst puts it … ” is trying to turn the row into something defining and positive.” Really? In what way? … Continue reading
The BBC spends £175,000 producing a report that essentially says nothing at all about anything very much….and spends £300,000 to prevent the publication of another report that probably says an awful lot about the BBC’s DNA and the monsters it breeds. Time for an independent BBC regulator with legal powers to force the BBC to act upon its recommendations. The BBC Trust is clearly not up to the …Continue reading
Thoughtful in the comments links to this story in the Manchester Evening News: Twenty people a day are being hauled before the courts for TV licence dodging in Greater Manchester. Figures from the Ministry of Justice show nearly 7,000 people were prosecuted last year for failing to pay the charge. What was really interesting was this: The vast majority of non-paying viewers were hit with fines, but none … Continue reading
Kipling talked of the “the truthful well-weighed answer that tells the blacker lie”. The BBC are the masters of deploying the truth to hide the truth. Whenever the BBC reports something verbatim without further explanation or background colour and context you know they are trying to sweep something nasty under the carpet. Labour’s little spot of trouble with their Union sponsors, Unite, hasn’t really kept any BBC … Continue reading
I can’t resist sharing my glee at the BBC’s obvious horror that Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood puppeteers are on the run in Egypt. I know it is very unclear where things may go but the BBC meme that the “Arab Spring” is an irreversible force for good has been shattered and all we get is BBC talking heads bemoaning the loss of “democracy”. Watching Jeremy Bowen has been a … Continue reading
Remember this? “I always think that impartiality is in our DNA – it’s part of the BBC’s genetic make-up.” That was Helen Boaden, the then director of BBC News. It was 2011 And then today…. Helen Boaden, the BBC’s former news director, has admitted the corporation held a “deep liberal bias” in its coverage of immigation when she took up the role in 2004. Oh my.
The BBC’s latest review on impartiality says: Today’s BBC gives due weight to all significant strands of opinion on the subject of immigration. Well Sir Andrew Green from Migration Watch was certainly given a fair interview recently on the Today programme, and David Goodhart from Demos has had a few interviews on his ‘controversial’ book about the effects of immigration…but he is a ‘safe’ lefty. How much longer … Continue reading
Thanks to A.D who posted this in the comments: Toxteth mosque ‘suspect’ suitcase: Danish man cautioned. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-23142432 Police confirm man cautioned after bomb alert at Liverpool mosque is Somalian NOT Danish . http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/man-cautioned-following-bomb-security-4803983 Reading the Liverpool Echo version it looks possibly like a Muslim was posing as a non-Muslim with the intent of implicating the ‘right’ in a hate crime: Officers had taken away CCTV footage which showed the … Continue reading
It doesn’t take long for things to start to unravel. The BBC’s impartiality review, conducted by Cardiff University, has some major flaws. Even without reading it you can already pick holes in it. Its terms of reference were obviously far too narrow..ironic for a review that was concerned with ‘breadth of opinion’. Two major topics of concern are missing…climate change and Israel. Strangely Israel was also missing … Continue reading
The BBC Trust has just published its ‘Breadth of Opinion’ review into impartiality. Not had time to look at it but you can see it here. A taster from the press release: As part of the study, the BBC’s coverage of immigration, religion and the EU was analysed through content analysis by Cardiff University. While the findings of this were largely positive and indicated that the breadth … Continue reading
Over at Telegraph blogs Sean Thomas recalls how the BBC nicked one his ideas, and how this ties in with the ludicrous pay-offs, the unadvertised job appointments, and the overall sense of impunity within the Corporation: …I was tempted to write a blog post on the Telegraph mentioning all this, explaining why the BBC is, for all its wonders, actually an outrageous, malign, monopolistic force in British broadcasting, like a … Continue reading
Roger Harrabin tweeting from Glastonbury last week: Escape #Glastonbury drizzle. Join me in @greenpeaceuk tent for 25 years of reporting the #environment for #bbcnews — roger harrabin (@RHarrabin) June 28, 2013
The Independent has run a story on the close links between the Left and Islamist extremists…but just how far up the political Left’s chain of command does the UAF/Islamist influence reach? Just how entangled is the Labour Party with Unite Against Fascism? And does the BBC show any interest in the close ties between the Labour Party leader and the UAF? The BBC has no excuse not to … Continue reading
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Britannia Radio