Thursday, 25 July 2013

It’s About To Blow

'People aren’t going to take it much longer. There are too many good, honest and awakening people who are being forced to take a stand. Their backs are against the wall in so many areas of their lives they cannot in good conscience let things go on much longer.
When it gets to the point where you know you’re about to face virtual death via incarceration in a totalitarian state; when you’re watching your fellow man being bulldozed into a spiritual, political, economic and social mass grave of permanently suspended truth; when the evidence of political, military and draconian law enforcement thuggery becomes overwhelming; when the population grows sicker and weaker by the hour and you realize all of this toxicity is being engineered by these same psychopathic rulers…
I’ll tell you what – they’d better head for their bunkers. Because decent, caring and responsible humanity will not take it much longer. And they know that.'