July 22, 2013
George Zimmerman versus GoliathUS Attorney General Eric Holder has recently made inflammatory statements about the “stand your ground” law to appease the mobs. Holder is a danger to all of us who believe in the Constitution and justice. Along with Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and others, he is currently enraging and enabling rioters and protestors across our nation. The same embarrassing wing-nuts who are rioting and protesting are the same people who elected president Obama, an absolute disgrace, to the office of President of the United States.... http://www.newswithviews.com/Snook/edward105.htm by Ed Snook Sorry PC, but here is another truth that dispels your narrative that blacks are routinely attacked by whites. Statistically, blacks are 50 times more likely to assault whites than vice versa. The MSM hates it when truth upsets the apple cart of their narrative. Do you know who really kills black males in America? Answer: Black males.......... http://www.newswithviews.com/Marcus/lloyd265.htm by Lloyd Marcus
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How Obama Truly Was Like Trayvon Martin
The Huffington Post has perfected the smear technique of expressing shock and anger at things that conservatives say which make complete sense and are factually based. “Hannity’s Awful Reaction To Obama’s Trayvon Martin Comments” was the headline over Fox News host Sean Hannity’s reaction to President Obama comparing himself to Trayvon Martin. Hannity said...... http://www.newswithviews.com/Kincaid/cliff743.htm by Cliff Kincaid |
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
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Britannia Radio